Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Anonymous · 9mo

Kak dane, emang kak vivi gatau ya kalo kfc boikot? Sebenernya you do you sih mau msh consume ato gmn, cm at least gausah diupload kali ya.. Kesannya jd tone deaf bgt. I send this here to you cs she doesnt seem to answer anything from her retrospring? Zero answer so far. Also pleade dont get me wrong aku begini cs i hate her, no. Im one of her mutuals, i care for her enough to send u this message. Thanks kak, no hard feelings and have a nice day you two lovebirds!

Hello. I've relayed this message to her, and she said she didn't receive any retrospring from you so obviously, she couldn't answer the message. Also, yes, she didn't know that KFC is on the boycott list. She said sorry for that and has deleted the post. Thank you for the reminder and for the info. Have a good day!

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