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Arnaud · 9 answers · 11d

If you happen to be the Children of the President, what will you whisper to their ears?

I want a huge house where I can live with dogs and cats; one that has large, wide meadows for dogs to run freely. Somewhere far from this country—I'm sick to the bones of how our society behaves. Also, ask him to change people to become kinder and more respectful to each other, if that makes any sense.

Curious Anonymous · 10d

Do you think that late is better than never?

Yes. I think I can't bear living with regrets. I will ask about the 'what-ifs' of chances I didn't take. Of opportunities I didn't grab. Late is better than never, because at least you try. You act on something you believe should do. Although sometimes, the action could be wrong for a specific moment. There will always be a room for growth.

Curious Anonymous · 2mo

Ofc she doesnt get any message from me bcs I didnt send her one, kak, because Im not sure even if i send her one she will answer it. I mean, since she doesnt seem to answer her retro so thats why i drop this message to you instead. Sorry ngasih taunya begini ya, I mean no harm at all kok. Thanks for relaying that to her kak. God bless you!

Oh I see, saya yang salah tangkap kalau begitu. Yes, Sender. I do understand your points, and I do believe that you didn't aim for something harmful. She genuinely wasn't aware of that, so was I. No worries, I'm glad that I could be a help. Once again, thank you for the telling us. God bless you!

Curious Anonymous · 2mo

Kak dane, emang kak vivi gatau ya kalo kfc boikot? Sebenernya you do you sih mau msh consume ato gmn, cm at least gausah diupload kali ya.. Kesannya jd tone deaf bgt. I send this here to you cs she doesnt seem to answer anything from her retrospring? Zero answer so far. Also pleade dont get me wrong aku begini cs i hate her, no. Im one of her mutuals, i care for her enough to send u this message. Thanks kak, no hard feelings and have a nice day you two lovebirds!

Hello. I've relayed this message to her, and she said she didn't receive any retrospring from you so obviously, she couldn't answer the message. Also, yes, she didn't know that KFC is on the boycott list. She said sorry for that and has deleted the post. Thank you for the reminder and for the info. Have a good day!

Curious Anonymous · 2mo

if you could teleport to your favorite anime, film, Kdrama or series, what would you choose? 🎬

Curious Anonymous · 5mo
Riri. · 6mo

What's the best way for you to relax?

I'll take a shower first. I'll let my body relax as I'm showering. After that, I'll listen to some chill songs (could be soft jazz or acoustic songs), then set the light to a dim one while resting my back on bed or sofa. How about you? Thank you for coming here and drop a question, Dawn!

Curious Anonymous · 6mo

Semangat abang! You’re awesome and you’re doing more than a great job. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. 🫵🏻

Hello... (Lemas) Thank you so much for saying this... I really need this after everything that happened today. Makasih sekali lagi, ya. I really appreciate it. 😔

Curious Anonymous · 6mo

I've loved you since January of last year, and I still do, but I'm just now finding the guts to say it. I'm glad to see you're happy with yout lover. May happiness always be with you. God bless, Dane.

Hello... I was taken aback upon receiving this as I didn't see this coming. Yes I'm happy with my girlfriend, and thank you for the kind wishes, Anonym. I wish you happiness too. God bless, and Happy New Year.

Curious Anonymous · 6mo

ngga seberapa kenal sama kamu, tapi kadang tweet kamu muncul di timeline aku (mungkin karena kita punya following yang sama...) lucu banget lihat kamu sama pacarnya! langgeng langgeng terus ya lovebirds!

Hello, anonim. Terima kasih sudah mampir ke sini dan dropping kind wishes for me and my girlfriend. Amin amin, semoga selalu baik-baik dan langgeng. Kalau mau berteman, I'm up all for it, okay. You can always hit my DM. Have a good day, anonim.

Curious Anonymous · 6mo

Suka warna apa?

Cameron. · 7mo

Sadendra J. Menurut lo, apakah bisa kita menemukan orang yang bisa paham maksud kita tanpa menjelaskan?

Menurut gue enggak bisa. Semuanya harus dijelaskan biar orang lain paham. First step: communicate. Urusan bakal dipahami itu udah beda urusan. Nggak semua orang bisa paham memang, butuh sama-sama punya will to understand. However, secocok apapun, mau sepengertian apapun, butuh kita jelaskan dulu intensi kita baru orang bisa memilih untuk paham atau enggak.

Vivianne Mackenzie. · 16 answers · 7mo

Drop your @ X, fellas. Let’s befriend since i need lots of friends to fill up my timeline. 🤍

Cameron. · 7mo

Sadendra J. Kalo misalnya bisa meracik kopi sekarang, kopi apa yang bakal lo racik?

Triple shots Americano with ice. I need strong coffee. Kepala gue sakit ingin gue lepas bentar.

Cameron. · 7mo

Sadendra J. Hmm, one should go. IKEA date, aquarium date, CFD date, and cinema date?

Cinema date standar dan klasik, but will never go wrong. Would love to have a cinema date, holding hands as we are watching the film. Abis itu makan, discuss about what we like about the film. And If I could choose one more, I'd go with Aquarium date. I'll be your personal photographer and take a lot of photos of you.

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