Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Anonymous · 9mo

Ofc she doesnt get any message from me bcs I didnt send her one, kak, because Im not sure even if i send her one she will answer it. I mean, since she doesnt seem to answer her retro so thats why i drop this message to you instead. Sorry ngasih taunya begini ya, I mean no harm at all kok. Thanks for relaying that to her kak. God bless you!

Oh I see, saya yang salah tangkap kalau begitu. Yes, Sender. I do understand your points, and I do believe that you didn't aim for something harmful. She genuinely wasn't aware of that, so was I. No worries, I'm glad that I could be a help. Once again, thank you for the telling us. God bless you!

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