Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Lucifer · 2 answers · 9mo

Bro I... I was about to take a shower (yes, at 11 at night) but I only take showers when it's late because I don't like being bothered, yeah? Alright, I'm in the bathroom for a bit, just- doomscrolling on yt shorts cause,, yeah. Cue a knock on the door fucking- old ass bitch (step grandma) comes knocking telling me to get out because she has to use the bathroom. Fuck it, I get out because I can just take a shower as soon as she's done. I get re-dressed and step out for a second, she- SHE WALKS RIGHT PAST ME BACK INTO HER OWN BEDROOM. SHE. MOTHERFUCKER BRO I TAKE SHOWERS AT NIGHT TO AVOID THIS BULLSHIT FUCK OFFFFF

I always take showers in the evening. I´m not allowed to get in bed if not clean. I never understand those people who take showers in the morning and go to bed dirty, but live and let live.

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