Eira Steele · 3mo

Hey! Got a quick question. Who's your favorite super hero or fictional hero and why?

I didn’t realize you said fictional until looking back at the question. I had to delete an entire three paragraphs talking about my real life hero lol

But anyways, I would have to say that my favorite fictional hero is Spiderman. I feel like he’s a fictional hero I relate to the most. Like him, I wanna do my best to be a hero and help out others with the responsibilities that were thrusted onto us and have an insecurity that I won’t be able to meet that expectation. That and also some other quirks I share with him such as being a cheeky fella with a fondness for corny one liners and for some reason, having multiple people fawning over me despite the fact I have a girlfriend like Spiderman. Idk, it’s funny.

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