Beau Bellamy

Hi. Name’s Beau and I (by that, I mean literally everyone close to me) thought this would be a good way to open up to more people about me. So, ask me literally anything!

Babylon Gardens
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Person · 1mo

Greetings, Beau, Macabre once more. I was curious how well you get along with Fido’s other siblings.

Person · 2mo

Hello, I am John, I am wondering if you can answer about what is the purpose of our existence?

That’s a deep question, wow. Personally, I think our existence is meant to have as much fun as possible. Life’s full of depressing stuff and everyone’s stressed out all the time, but we made a lot of cool stuff. We made a seemingly meaningless life mean something and that’s pretty cool. We have our own stories, multiple opportunities to make our lives as fun as possible, and making the lives of other people better.

Almarala, Lady of Regrets · 2mo

How intensely do you keep up with your physical training? Judging your appearance, I would assume you are an avid power trainer. I ask because, frankly, if you are so inclined towards your own discipline, we could use someone like you in our ranks.


I keep up with my training pretty much everyday. My appearance seems a bit much for a lifeguard working at a pool, but I wanted to go beyond for my community.

I try to keep maintaining my gains by doing exercises throughout my days. I spend early mornings before work working out a bit jogging around the neighborhood. On days I’m not working, I go to a gym and do a bit of workout stuff there. Basically, I’m training everyday whenever I can.

As for your offer, I’m honored, but I think I’ll pass. I’m pretty satisfied with my life right now and I don’t think that whole army thing isn’t for me. Appreciate the offer though!

Person · 2mo

Greetings, Beau, I am Macabre Ars Goetia, a member of the K9PD. I’ve noticed you have had interactions with Fido Byron on occasion that seem close. I am merely curious as to your relationship with him.

Person · 2mo

Yo Beau, quick question. You're playing rock paper scissors. What's your go-to first pick?

Rock. Mainly cause that’s always my first instinct cause I usually win with rock a lot of the time.

Nadia & Solar · 2mo

Hi! I am Nadia. Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? I have been trying to do it for years, but had barely any success.

I haven’t had much luck either. I’ve had some… less than pleasant night terrors in the past that I thought were real. I had no control over them and I never convinced myself that what I dreamt wasn’t real. It was scary. I don’t get those kinds of dreams as frequently as I do now, but if I could’ve convinced myself that everything was just a dream, that probably would’ve made life easier and saved me a lot of tears.

Person · 3mo

Hey, there! Name’s Vex. Got anyone special in your life, in a romantic way? If so, what do you do on this day? Might take it as a suggestion for my girl.

Hi Vex! To answer your question, there are quite a few people who want to be in a romantic relationship with me, but I’m only in a relationship with one. Her name is Luci and she’s a white cat who I love with all my heart. She was my very first friend when we grew up at an adoption shelter we met each other in. Our Valentine’s was pretty great. We spent basically the whole day together. We went on a walk, went out for a nice dinner, and I went back to her place where we went in her hot tub and uh… heh, I can’t say what we did afterwards. It’s a bit too spicy to describe, sorry. Hehehe~

Person · 3mo

You got a plan if a zombie apocalypse ever happens? Assume it's your generic walking zombie apocalypse, with the rare occasional runner. No other mutated versions.

Easy. Going straight to Sabrina and Tarot. They might have some spell or potion or whatever that might help end the apocalypse... unless they get turned to zombies in that case... idk, suffer I guess.

Eira Steele · 3mo

Hey! Got a quick question. Who's your favorite super hero or fictional hero and why?

Person · 3mo

Ok Beau, here's a tough one. Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more video games or games, unlimited games, but no more games

No bacon??? I might as well not have air to breathe if I can't have bacon! Definitely keeping that. Also, games, but no games? What does that mean? Like, unlimited games that are already out, but I can't get new ones? Wouldn't that be already a limit? I'm confused by that part.

Almarala, Lady of Regrets · 3mo

Are you well-acauainted with Keene Milton?

I just know him to know him. I live in that boarding house the ECP made, but don’t get a chance to interact with him a lot. I did one time tho. I told him a pun and he just looked at me and went, “oh great, another Karishad.” His marten boyfriend seemed to like it, so at least I got one good reaction.

Vitor Henrique · 3mo

hey beau if some magic shenanigans were to happen and everyone in the world get's magical abilities either be ranging from insignificant kinda useless abilities to world ending ones which one would you have?

Whatever those shenanigans are, hopefully they won’t be life threatening cause I wanna have the ability to do something insane. I wanna be able to remember every thought I think. Idk, I went to look something up, but I immediately forgot it and it’s been bugging me all day

Eira Steele · 3mo

Hey! Name's Eira, and I was wondering if there are any sports you like to play? Know any martial arts?"

I don’t play a lot of sports, but I do take part in competitive swimming. That’s about the only sport I do. It’s a lot of fun and I recently won a competition with my team. I’ve thought about taking martial arts classes, but if I do, I probably won’t make anything out of it. It’ll only be for self defense and protecting my loved ones. Though, the thought of naming moves and delivering one liners does sound pretty cool.

Phlegethon · 4mo

You there. Mortal canine. You are like some kind of jester, am I correct?

Hmm... A recent conquest attempt went poorly, and I am stuck in my fortress while I recover. Entertain me, if you believe yourself capable.

Alrighty, here's a joke I think you'll like.

Why don't people like taking Pepto bismol? Because the taste of it is abismol!

Almarala, Lady of Regrets · 4mo


It took me a bit, but I got the joke! Not to say that it wasn't good, I think you're doing great at jokes so far. I'd say you're took a great STEP into perfecting your jokes. We should get together at some point and we can bounce off each other. We can even do a duo comedy bit if you'd like.

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