Person · 3mo

Hey, there! Name’s Vex. Got anyone special in your life, in a romantic way? If so, what do you do on this day? Might take it as a suggestion for my girl.

Hi Vex! To answer your question, there are quite a few people who want to be in a romantic relationship with me, but I’m only in a relationship with one. Her name is Luci and she’s a white cat who I love with all my heart. She was my very first friend when we grew up at an adoption shelter we met each other in. Our Valentine’s was pretty great. We spent basically the whole day together. We went on a walk, went out for a nice dinner, and I went back to her place where we went in her hot tub and uh… heh, I can’t say what we did afterwards. It’s a bit too spicy to describe, sorry. Hehehe~

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