Person · 2mo

Greetings, Beau, Macabre once more. I was curious how well you get along with Fido’s other siblings.

Let’s see… Joey and I are alright. It kinda started out awkwardly, but we got used to each other. I know he does DnD, but I honestly don’t have much of an interest for it which is fine. We both have other interests to bond over such as watching and engaging with other franchises. Joey even showed me some anime and that was pretty dope.

Me and Bino are a bit of a work in progress. He doesn’t like me because I’m apparently “annoying” and I “tell garbage jokes” which isn’t true. Sure I may have pestered him with a dad joke or two, but they’re funny. So yeah, we a back and forth, he doesn’t like me, I poke fun at him, all that fun stuff.

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