Anonymous · 9mo

hi sefikins mwah

did you have any pokemon OCs back in da day? or do you have any now (that u have or would create)

hi serena
ummmm yes so in the traditional sense i have a lot of Pokemon OCs cos every playthrough i turn my Pokemon (in my party) into characters. Part of the experience of Pokemon for me is I imagine the battles in real time and I roleplay a narrative about it. (Like, ok Raichu lived with 10HP is what actually happened. So I imagine that my Raichu lands a final blow at low HP cos he's trying to impress the Pichu in my party or whatever) A lot have come out of this.
Back in the day, I really related to Mewtwo, Arcanine, Mightyena, Absol and I really liked shiny Espeon so I had different sonas of those that I liked to use and play with. I'd like to reinvent them at some point it would be cool... different alters have different Pokemon that they most feel like or relate to.
My favorite OCs right now that are Pokemon would be Angeal my Garchomp who is really special to me, I wrote down some of our adventures together when I did my run of Platinum. Trying to get him every ribbon. He's so cute. There's also my Blissey, Baby from the same file. She was an egg on my childhood Diamond that I'd never hatched so when I started up Platinum (around 2020 I believe), I hatched her. So it was just really special to have this little egg from 2009 hatch and retain the date. I'm leveling her to 100...
If you mean like Pokemon world OCs who are people, then yeah I actually have those too! But none of them are mega fleshed out. I prolly should do that...

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