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Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Boleh sekalian bantu ngerjain tugasnya gak, would ya? Kalo mau marahin someone feel free to yell at my dosen instead fyuh. It's kinda boring sih memang, but honestly I'd rather be in your shoes soalnya enak bisa rebahan seharian #iri. If you're super bored I recommend watching something ajaa. NOOO, how could she refuse to be my gift? 💔 My heart is shattered. Call 911 ASAP, please. Thanks a lot ya, becoming a mahasiswa rajin only because I'm forced to bukan karena mau. Hope you get a good night's sleep too, sender anak baik.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Halo, happy weekend! I hope your day was great, what did you get up to? I’m here to make sure your heart feels all light and happy again— no more tightness, okay? 😂 As for Wonyoung, I’ll need to check with her first to see if she’s up for being your reward. Wouldn’t want to send her your way without her consent! And thank you for your sweet words. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say “rest well” to you, I totally fell asleep after replying to your Retrospring... How about you? Tidur nya nyenyak?

Selamat malam! Hari ini cukup bikin bosen sih, lagi-lagi I had to spend my weekend working on assignments which is getting a bit tiring. Huft. How about you sender? Gimana weekend-nya, did you do anything exciting or fun today? Sender, if you don't send me Wonyoung right now, I swear I'm going to be gasping for air lagi (sesak napas part 2). Are you sure you're ready to take responsibility for that? No need to apologize yaaa (boong, tolong ucapin rest well malam ini), even though I didn't get much sleep I still slept pretty well. I had to wake up early for some activities tadi pagi, so it wasn't too bad.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Hai, it’s been 4 days since I last sent you a message :3 Sudah kangen belum? Kalau belum aku akan genapin jadi seminggu!!! 💢 OH OH and happy weekend yaaaaaa. I’ve been thinking about you and decided buat ngirim ini pas weekend aja since I know how exhausting weekdays can be for you. I didn’t want to make it harder by adding my cerewet messages on top of everything else, nanti kamu lemes lagi T____T sooo, how has your week been? Was it overwhelming or did it go smoothly????

Hi, evening there! Eh lucu amat. Kamu mikir gitu because of my last reply kah? Honestly it's completely okay, I really don't mind getting long messages walaupun lagi capek & lemes. Who knows kan reading your messages might be exactly what I need to boost my mood. But still thank you for being so thoughtful yaaa. This week has been exhausting though, with so much stuff piling up that I barely even have time to rest in bed (kangen kasur). Kamu gimana, sender? Anything fun or exciting happen lately? I'd love to hear all about it.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Hey you! Sorry for popping in so late; my assignments were really getting in the way— Capek. Do you miss me? Miss this anak kecil? Hehe. 👀 So you’re head over heels for Wonyoung, huh? Should I hand her over as your reward... By the way, did that playlist do its job well enough that you woke up late? It sounds like it turned you into a sleepy baby again!

Halo, anak kecil. I've been kind of wondering why you didn't say hi to me kemarin, it made my heart feel a little tight (sesak napas, tapi gak serius). Heem, I need Wonyoung delivered to my doorstep, ASAP yaaa. Just wrap her up nicely & send her to my house pakai JNE. And well, here I am, still wide awake. Lagi gak dengerin playlist yang kamu kasih, so sleep just isn't coming to me. You've been working so hard on your assignments & deserve tidur yang nyenyak. Rest well, sender!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

How can you say I'm anak kecil? Do I look like a smol kid to you? Yang suka gigit? 😤 And yes, you’re right! I had ayam bakar— Cenayang ya? What kind of reward do you want? Jangan yang susah-susah. I’m not ngeledek... Someone asked if you had a crush, and I thought maybe you did? Here’s a classic playlist for you to sleep soundly: It’s a bit mainstream, but perfect for sleep! 🎶

I'm definitely not giving you a straight answer yaaa. If I say yes nanti anak kecilnya makin ngamuk. Jujurly kurang tau mau hadiah apa, what do you think I deserve for answering your question so perfectly? And confession time: I've actually had a crush on someone for a really long time sih & I've been head over heels for her, namanya Wonyoung. Anyway, thanks for the playlist! Tadi malam udah dengerin, was so good sampe-sampe overslept this morning terus kesiangan.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Oh, so you’re bercanda with me! Well, I’m pretending to be angry now, how dare you tease me like that? 😤 Okay, let’s play a guessing game! What am I eating tonight? Here’s a clue: it’s chicken! As for sleeping better, I’d say chatting with someone you like and having a good laugh is the secret— bercanda lagi deh! But seriously, do you like classical music? It might help you drift off without any dreams.

Jangan marah dong, looking for tutorial biar anak kecil berhenti marah apa ya, takut digigit. Kamu makan fried chicken? Ayam teriyaki? Ayam bakar? Geprek? Kalo bener I expect a reward! Oh ngeledek yaaa, you know I'm talking to the wall rn because I've got no one else to chat with. By the way, I'm a fan of every music genre sih. Got any classical music recommendations to play tonight? Buat temen tidur.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

do you really set your eyes on someone...........

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Hey, I promise I’m not lying... But never mind that. Just to satisfy your curiosity, I know you from RP, so I’m definitely telling the truth. 😔 I’m really sorry to hear about your sleep issues. I hope next week brings you peaceful nights without any disturbances. If you want, I can share some tips on how to sleep soundly!

HAHAHAHAHA relax, bercanda aja, maaf iya... Gak usah panik, I trust that you know me from RP. Main tebak-tebakan lagi dong. And by the way if you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd love to know your secret to getting a good night's sleep, if it can be specific sih, sleeping soundly without any dreams at all.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Good morning! I did sleep early and even drifted off again after replying to your message on Retrospring! I had a lovely, sound sleep last night. How about you? Did you sleep well? You’re right; we might not be super close, but I know you! The name I know you by starts with a G— does that help, G? Is there anything else you’d like to ask, or should we have some fun with a guessing game? jkjk.

Sender, kamu boong ya...? I've never used a name that starts with G, so that can't be right... Admin nama G gak pernah exist. But anyway, it's nice to know that I am the last person you think about before you drift off into the world of dreams hehe. Sayangnya I haven't been sleeping well lately. I've been having some sleep issues again & it's been making it difficult to rest properly #semogaminggudepanudahgak

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Good morning! You must've been completely tired sampe bisa ketiduran jam 7 last night. That's great though, at least you got some rest & tidur cepet. Biasanya sih I've got a good sense of the people around me when I'm using my specific name. So if you're saying you know me by my current name that's straight up lying, because I'm not really close with anyone who matches your vibe. So be real with me, what name do you actually know me by?

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Evening! 🌙 Don’t worry, I don’t have a history of being a #remajajompo, just a little bit of living lazily, hehe! What’s your favorite milk? I absolutely adore banana milk! And trust me, I NEVER PHP with you! A good fairy has to keep her promises, right? 😉 So, what question did you want to ask me? I’m all ears and ready to answer honestly.

Splendid eve! Iri banget, iri banget, iri banget. Help me out with a tutorial on how not to become a grandpa teenager, capek pake koyo every single day. I just like plain vanilla milk sih, nothing extra needed but I gotta admit banana milk's kinda good, so I'm down with you on that. Pertanyaannya, do you even know who I am? If you do, which of my names or aliases do you know me by? Jawab dengan jujur ya, because I know if you are lying. 👊🏻

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Selamat siang, sender! Sekarang udah baikan kok, even though it feels like my back's about to give up #remajajompo. Habis baca ini you have to promise not to join the #remajajompo club ya. By the way, I'm more into spicy food & for drinks I'm good with anything as long as itu gak diracunin, terus rajin minum susu juga. FOR REAL? Boong ya? Please don't play with my heart ya sender, I've had enough of janji palsu, jangan PHP. Oh by the way (lagi), can I ask you something? But promise me you'll answer honestly.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo
Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Sender, selamat malam. Apologies for replying so late, I've been caught up with a lot of things today & didn't manage to get home until 6pm #lelah. It's been quite exhausting tbh, but reading this at least made me feel a bit better. Terus info tambahan, I made sure to grab my daily dose of coffee tadi, so at least I had that small joy during the day. Kamu gimana? Any TMI you'd like to share with me gak? Omong-omong you've been so incredibly kind to me (kamu pasti sadar kan), terus jadi bingung, what have I ever done to you to deserve such kindness from you...?

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

It's totally fine tau #dilarangmellow, I'm genuinely happy with my current situation. Question: What's a sign of someone who's an RP addict/kronis RP? Answer: They've got more than 20 accounts, blep. Lucu juga, makasih ya udah mau nungguin yang gak pasti. Gimana kalo gini aja, instead of me coming back to RP, you join me on this side & stop main RP juga? (Insert meme 'haha anak RP').

Note: Maaf kalo balasannya keliatan kayak lagi lemes ya.

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