Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Halo, happy weekend! I hope your day was great, what did you get up to? I’m here to make sure your heart feels all light and happy again— no more tightness, okay? 😂 As for Wonyoung, I’ll need to check with her first to see if she’s up for being your reward. Wouldn’t want to send her your way without her consent! And thank you for your sweet words. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say “rest well” to you, I totally fell asleep after replying to your Retrospring... How about you? Tidur nya nyenyak?

Selamat malam! Hari ini cukup bikin bosen sih, lagi-lagi I had to spend my weekend working on assignments which is getting a bit tiring. Huft. How about you sender? Gimana weekend-nya, did you do anything exciting or fun today? Sender, if you don't send me Wonyoung right now, I swear I'm going to be gasping for air lagi (sesak napas part 2). Are you sure you're ready to take responsibility for that? No need to apologize yaaa (boong, tolong ucapin rest well malam ini), even though I didn't get much sleep I still slept pretty well. I had to wake up early for some activities tadi pagi, so it wasn't too bad.

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