Anonymous Mob · 2mo

what games do you play? (if any)

I play both Genshin & Star Rail (Genshin has been a hyperfixation for 2 1/2 years until MP100 saved me), the Pokémon franchise will stay with me forever, big Zelda fan too, lately my Fallout love has been reignited but our PS3 decided to break just before!! Now I FINALLY have everything to make it work again and start New Vegas over (the AUs are going brr like crazy in my brain as well as everyone probably noticed), I love Survival Horror, Silent Hill is crazy dear to my heart (James Sunderland might be the og pathetic blond man that kicked it all off tbh...) things like Metro, Last of Us...
I also love Indie Horror games but I haven't actually played one in probably a decade lmao, horror playthroughs are my near-daily sleep aid now.
God I could go on and on and am so tempted to list specific games I'm emotional about, but yeah I'm honestly not very picky. I play a bit of a lot of things but also, I almost never finish a game. 〒▽〒
ADHD too strong I guess.
I also own a whole staple of games I really would like to play but still haven't... And there's even more I don't have but are on my list. I have too many interests to fit them all into my life OTL

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