Anonymous Mob · 2mo

Is there a thing you'd really want to get to do or happen while a mobsai fan? (Joinin events, meeting someone, making something, etc etc)

Yes!!! I'm looking forward to the next Mobstocking ever since I joined the fandom & barely missed last years, basically!!

I also definitely have some more RM cosplay goals.

Other than that, I'm pretty open to whatever comes along, if MRM week happens this year I def want in even though I can never make all days for fandom events.

I just wanna keep creating and enjoying what other do & keep chatting with people enjoying some of the same things I do <3

That said, the "while a mobsai fan" status is bound to last.
I might not be forever as productive (for my standards) but I'm sure to stay. MP100 has had an impact on me barely any other series had & I don't call something my OTP lightly. I've been obsesed with many ships, but ReiMob is the second in 15 years to ever make it to that title. I'm ridiculously in love. I'm not going anywhere.

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