NaruAnswers · 12 answers · 2y

What are your OC’s sexual orientations?

Laura's would be bisexual, though even she isn't entirely sure towards which side she leans more. She's definitely always had an easier time hanging around guys and crushed on more than a few of them, but sometimes she just meets a girl that's so beautiful it just makes her go "whoa", lol.

With Margaret I would also say she's bisexual, though with a much stronger female leaning. There's also a slight nuance of demisexuality there too, given she really needs that emotional connection before she comes to see someone as romantically appealing. And given that she's had a far easier time achieving that with girls rather than guys thus far, it's shifted her preferance.

And as for Midna; she's purely Pansexual. Comes in part with the fact of her being a Spirit Medium. Very much so looks more so for the "who" in someone rather than the "what".

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