NaruAnswers · 12 answers · 2y

What are your OC’s sexual orientations?

Elio's bisexual (male-leaning). That's been set in stone since Day 1 of his creation.

However, his aromantic status is still up for question from a personal, story-based, and artistic perspective in lieu of my initial thoughts. If anything, I may end up leaving it open-ended since Elio's an OC that perfectly fits the [Best Friend with Benefits] category.

Pretty much all of my ocs dont really have a preference either way, love is love and whatnot (also just easier to relate them to myself dfgfdd)

Posted the answer in my SFW account but might as well copy it here:

- Joltenne: Bisexual
- Kaito: Heterosexual
- Sabi: Pansexual
- Icebella: Bisexual
- Andreas: Heterosexual

Jacques and Blake are straight, Hiroto is my bidisaster and Grim is bicurious (but wouldn't realistically get with a guy. Just admire and thirst over, but does not happen often)

  • Joltenne: Bisexual
  • Kaito: Heterosexual
  • Sabi: Pansexual
  • Icebella: Bisexual
  • Andreas: Heterosexual

Mine are all straight.

I always just visualize them that way and then never see need to change.

I imagine Heather would be down for threesomes with other ladies but a dude has to be there

Odd is Bi.

(I was going to try and fit an NSYNC joke in here, but I couldn't come up with a decent one)

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