Anonymous Idol Fan · 8mo

burning question: which idols (any series) do you think would have a tamagotchi and how good/into it would they be? Also hope you feel better soon!!!!

I NEVER GOT A NOTIFICATION FOR THIS ASK!!!! ummmmm OKAY. I think . (thinking really hard) .

I think Umi would have a tamagotchi, probably . mametichi. she would be very into it to the point where checking on her little guy becomes her first priority over everything else. she gets too into it . at some point eli takes it away and it dies and she's never the same

out of aqours, i think yoshiko would be the mother to weeptchi, but considering how caught up she gets in her fallen angel shenanigans, and she's probably already bad at taking care of herself? she forgets about him and he dies .

i feel like the obvious answer for niji is rina, but rina can barely take care of herself so she knows better than to get a tamagotchi. she DOES however introduce it to ai ... who would take care of it like a house pet ... i think she would like coffretichi and probably end up making some outfits based off of her even . she would become closer with ayumu (mother of lovelitchi)

i think ... nagisa.. would also have one ....... he's known to buy silly little toys... i think he'd really like mimitchi... he gets very engrossed in it ... takes it very seriously .... (i almost started crying thinking about him . help)

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