90s Anime Sleepover Zine
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Anonymous Coward · 28d

For the print ad, Do all the products need to be sleepover related? Or can we make up some other products being sold (telecom/interior decor)

Hey! Print ads should be related to the zine themes in some way, but don't necessarily need to follow the <i>sleepover</i> theme. We'd like to avoid real-life products, but you're more than welcome to pull product or service inspiration from any 90s anime/manga and create an ad based on that 💜

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

hello! if applicable, what are your contributor caps? eg a maximum of 15 writers, 30 artists, etc?

Hey nonny! We don't have exact contributor caps as we're staying a little flexible with the zine layouts until we have our final application numbers, but I can tell you we want at least 10 authors and 15 artists for each zine (though people are welcome to apply to both and so we may end up with some contributors doubling up) 💜

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Really excited for this idea! I submitted an application but didn't receive an email of my results. Would that be an option to turn on? I love to get the email copy as well so I can remember what I actually pitched if I need that information in the future as well as knowing my app went through!

Hello nonny, we're so glad you're excited! We've turned on the option as a few people have mentioned it, but unfortunately, it won't take effect retroactively. Feel free to fill out a new application if you'd like the email copy, or alternatively, DM us and we'll send you your application info! 💜

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Can I suggest "please save my earth?" Its one of those retro anime series I am really fond of!

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

do you guys accept underrated 90s anime? I have a few I can mention here

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I love the aesthetic of the caard but bright flashes can be a migraine trigger for me so I can't actually look at it for very long. Is there any way to view the caard without the moving background?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi! I'm very interested in the concept of this zine and wanted to give some feedback regarding the visuals. I know there's a certain type of vibe you guys are probably going for, but the graphics and the stylized font in your tweets are very hard to read 😣

Hey nonny! Funnily enough, the mod team was actually discussing this today as the graphics show up pretty differently on all of our screens. We'll be working on making them a little easier to read and we'll look into some clearer font choices for twitter as well 💜

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

For eligible animes, what do you mean by Naruto "90s only"? Does Naruto apply up to Shippuden or is there a cut off for chapters after 2000? Or is the criteria not related to the chapters / timeframe at all?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hello! Would it be possible to draw a crossover picture containing characters of two or multiple series too? :D

Hey, absolutely! As long as all the characters/series are from the 90s, that's totally alright 💜

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I am working on the soft pitches for the application but I'm confused by one of the fandoms on the approved list. I had started to draft a pitch for Ouran High School Host Club since it was listed, but the manga didn't start until 2002 (and the anime 2006). I'm wondering if the inclusion was a mistake or what you used to decide to include it since it's not a 90's series.

Hey! We had a handful of early 2000s series that were mentioned enough times on the interest check that we decided to put them to a vote determining their inclusion, you can see which ones won out here: https://twitter.com/90sleepoverzine/status/1765827437508620324 💜

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I filled my application already but I just saw you guys say its ok to pitch series thay werent in the list. I wanted to mention Corrector Yui in my app and ended up not doing it, but if I do get in the zine, would it be fine tonadd that as a pitch afterwards?

Hey! As long as at least one of your pitches is for one of the fandoms you initially pitched, you're allowed to change the others. That said, you're also welcome to DM through twitter or tumblr and we can alter your application if you'd prefer that 💜

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hello! I've noticed Di Gi Charat is not on the approved fandoms list, even though it's from the 90s. Is it okay if I suggest that as a fandom on my application?

Hey! Absolutely, the list is just comprised of whatever fandoms we could think of off the top of our heads, plus whatever came up on the interest check, it's not exhaustive. If there's a manga or anime you know that was publishing/airing in the 90s, you're welcome to pitch it even if it's not on the list 💜

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hi! For the writer app, do we have to have (at least one) excerpt(s) for the fandom that we intend to write for should we be accepted?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hi! Quick question: for writers, all excerpts must be over 2.5k words or can I submit something around 1.5k words? Also, can I submit an unpublished piece? Is it ok to submit a fic that's around 3.8 or should I pick an excerpt from it that is under 3.5k?

Hey! For authors the sample size is 2k - 3.5k, and we can give you about a 500 word leeway on either side of that. All that to say, 1.5k is alright (as is 3.8k), but please make sure at least one of your samples stays inside of the requested threshold 💜 Submitting an unpublished piece is totally alright!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

thank you for accepting portfolios that have proship elements!!! <3 I appreciate all you mods!

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