
Hallo I am Smoge. I write the vores and the fats and the funny deer girl

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Anomalous · 9d

Thoughts on pregnant preds?

I’m not super into pregnancy as a whole, but I have nothing against pregnant preds. Its just like. A different flavor of pred that I’m indifferent to.

Anomalous · 9d

So uh, I learned about the Dead Man Walking Tornado...

There's a reason it's called that.

Anomalous · 12d

Tornados! What do you think of them?

I haaaaaaaaaaaaate tornadoes. I almost got caught in the path of one as a child and I’ve been sorta terrified of them ever since. I like storms but the moment the sky changes color and the wind gets stilled, I start freaking out

Anomalous · 10d

All your OCs get sent to the lands between, what happens?

Deerb Souls…

They all must become knights and journey to the Erdtree!

In all honestly, I have too many OCs any more to answer questions like these. Its just a lotta effort to write up a whole scenario for each individual OC, especially when some of them don’t really fit into the world.

But Mari does eat all the rowa fruits and become obese

Anomalous · 10d

Hello, tis I, the Haley Liker. Consider: Haley, but she can't see her reflection in the mirror.
Less 'because vampire', more 'because she's so got-dang fat she can't see much beyond her own chins and cheeks'.

Anomalous · 16d

How many Maris could one Mari eat if a Mari could eat Maris

Anomalous · 16d

1992 Mari vs 2024 Mari

Anomalous · 16d

what if nil did that shikanokonokonokokoshitantan dance in front of mari

I think that would be hilarious and if I could animate I would create such a thing

Anomalous · 16d

What happens if I give Nil's tail a lil tug...

Anomalous · 16d

Apricot Ascot Anal

Anomalous · 17d

Who would win a beauty pageant if all your OCs were in it?

I think that would depend on who’s judging it, as all of my OCs are veeeeeeeery different.

That being said, Lee would win.

Anomalous · 19d

You turn into Mari for a day…..
What do you do???

InfamousKiwi · 17d

How would you sell someone on final fantasy online? In ur own words.

I try not to sell people on subscription-based games (even thought FFXIV is really fucking good, subscription aside), so the best I could probably muster is spamming the free trial cooypasta lmao

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