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Anomalous · 24d

Do you have any canon ages for your characters? Who’s the youngest or the oldest? And who would you say actually acts their age?

I don't have exact ages for most of them, but I do have a general idea of how old they all are. The youngest would be Hailey and oldest is Nil. Age ranges are listed down below:

Mari - Late 20s
Nil - 2000+ since creation, 100+ since sentience
Luna - College age
Ruby - Early 20s
Mizuki - 30s
Lee - Late 20s
Cassie - Early 30s
Dizzy - Like 28 or so
Lucy - 30s
Esellah - Early 20s

And just as a bonus
UNFINISHED OC - Ancient, yo
SECRET OC - Late 20s/Early 30s

Most of them act their age pretty well. Mari's definitely pretty goofy and childish, and Cassie probably acts more like a crazy college kid than someone in their 30s.

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