Spikey the Weirdo
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Apple · 1y

U should draw Edgar feeling up ishi with all of his hands!!! Or like ishi in omens swimsuits in honor of summer!!

Apple · 1y

what’s ur gas station food pick? I always get Arizona green tea can,sour cream n onion pringles and those sweet tart ropes!

I live in Brazil, we don't usually buy food at gas stations, as we don't generally leave the car when filling up the tank lol
but when I go buy myself some snacks, I usually get myself a big bag of cheetos, a couple of chocolate bars and some coke to drink (they usually don't have pepsi, but I always take pepsi if I have the chance lol), mostly because food is expensive and I don't have much money, so I just take the cheapest options, but I still like what I buy ! I'm content with it ! :3

Anon · 1y

Favorite fast food place, and favorite order?

Burger King (because cheap and pepsi)
and I usually just try to get as much food as I can in a combo lol
they used to have this combo that was like, 2 burgers, small fries (that I always changed to big lmao) and a refill cup, it was awesome, shame it doesn't do that anymore

Anon · 1y

I've read this like, 3 times already and my monkey adhd brain can't understand it lol
I can understand what you're trying to say, but this is way too long for me to properly read and understand, maybe do a TL;DR ? lmao
but if what I understood is correct, I agree. fat good.

Anon · 1y

I offer you a chonky goat boy..what do u do with him
(Why yes this is Neil how did u know)

I take him to my room so I can pamper and fatten him up even more, chonky ain't enough, I want the goat boy fat ! >:3

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