
─ ⁠ 'Cause I'm falling slowly in love with you
You are the spring, I've waited for a long time
'Cause I'm falling slowly in love with you
Even if it gets erased again
All my life is you

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Feel free to send your questions about anime, manga, manhwa or any other subject, let's interact! My native language is Portuguese, but you can send me in English and Spanish as well. ♥


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Little Curious · 2mo

Seu Undertale fica cada vez mais próximo, estou acabando a primeira parte do FGO

Little Curious · 3mo

Manhwa male leads you hate the most ?

Hello Angel! I don't have many, but the main ones are: Riftan (Under the Oak Tree) and Theodore (My Husband Who Hates Me Has Lost His Memories).

sooos · 3mo

i hope you're having a good day ! make sure to stay hydrated, much love mwaa

Ah, good afternoon! I will definitely go, it's so hot here that no one can handle it, I always have my bottle of water by my side. I hope your day is also good! 🥰💞

Little Curious · 4mo

Hello oomf-in-law, I would like to rec you a splendid historical webtoon titled "all colors of snow", you will love the beautiful art and the character's chemistry, please do check it out!!
Also can be moots? I see you on my to often and you seem very friendly ♡♡♡

Hello hello, angel! Ooh, I'll leave a note here so you can take a look later, heh! And of course we can be moots, without any problems. Feel free to follow me, and I will do the same! 🤗❤ (P.s: if you're already following me, could you reply to this tweet so I can follow your account too!)

Little Curious · 4mo

Hi do you also read webtoons?

Hello Angel! Yes, I read them, but there were few works that I read on the Webtoon platform, if I'm not mistaken, I read two: 'The God Of High School' and 'Snowbound'. If you want to recommend works from there, feel free! ❤

Little Curious · 4mo

oii! me fala um manhwa de romance vibe historico bom p ler!
pra ler!

Olá anjo! Não tenho lido muito ultimamente, mas recomendaria bastante < My Dear Aster >
Venho falado bastante sobre ele, e recentemente o manhwa chegou ao fim, com 65 capítulos! Tem um ótimo plot, e acredito que você possa gostar. ♡

Little Curious · 5mo

It was fun doing this and hearing your thoughts!! For the ones you haven't heard about, i would highly rec them, they're all great stories!! Long after the ending is on webtoon as manhwa you can read there 🤗

Thank you, it was a lot of fun, even though I don't even know half of it, sorry! I'll take a look at them all, thanks for the fun! 💓

Little Curious · 5mo

Manhwa checklist 4: secret lady, roxanna,love song for illusion,your eternal lies,villains are destined to die,like wind on dry branch,I will change the genre,crowning a spoiled prince,wall of glass,spirit fingers

Little Curious · 5mo

Manhwa checklist 3: Ruby manhwa, wmmap, my unexpected marriage, my in laws are obsessed with me, kill the villainess, the spark in your eyes, whale star, mystic prince, I raised a black dragon,long after the ending

Little Curious · 5mo

Manhwa checklist 2: Shall we bathe your grace?, the night without shadows,saving my sweetheart, the villainess turns the hourglass, for better or worse, Raeliana manhwa, I married the male leads dad, charlize manhwa, red knight seeks no reward, failed to oust the villain

Little Curious · 5mo

Yess I'll send a list of 10 manhwa,cross out/score the ones you've read, manhwa checklist 1: I shall master this family, trophy husband,tears of a jester, Cinderella's stepmom,revolutionary princess eve,wish upon a husband, ASM, I am the real one, falling for the enemy, villainess stationary store

Little Curious · 5mo

Hii would you like to do a manhwa checklist with me?

Little Curious · 6mo

Heyyy, have you read your eternal lies, if not I'd highly rec it

Hello Angel! I haven't read it yet, this manhwa has been on my list for a while, and some people read it and really liked it. I'll try to put laziness aside and get started, haha! Thanks for the recommendation. 💓

Little Curious · 7mo

Did you study in science or business subject. ? What do you take among those subjects?

Hello Angel! I never studied these subjects, or did any specialization on them. In fact, I never really went into depth about it. Administration is something that never attracted my attention, Science is also on the same level. :(

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