Little Curious · 5mo

Manhwa checklist 4: secret lady, roxanna,love song for illusion,your eternal lies,villains are destined to die,like wind on dry branch,I will change the genre,crowning a spoiled prince,wall of glass,spirit fingers

Secret lady: Yes, I've already reread it twice, but I didn't continue and didn't get to the current chapters.
Roxanna: No, I'm not very interested, to be honest.
Love song for illusion: Never heard of this one either, so I never read it.
Your eternal lies: I read the first chapter, but didn't continue. It's on my list too.
Villains are destined to die: Yes, but I'm not following it, I haven't reached the current chapters. But I intend to read it again.
Like wind on dry branch: No, I never read it.
I will change the genre: No, but I want to start reading it.
Crowning a spoiled prince: No, I'm not interested in that one either.
Wall of glass: Never heard of this one either. Never heard of this one either.
Spirit fingers: Never heard of either.

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