Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Friend · 12h

i really don’t think it’s a big joke? i will tell you yes it’s a big joke if the thing with hmh and youth transitions didn’t happen but since this song come to life jisung always emphasized how special this song to him and how this song is the best thing that happened to him and he chose for this one specific member to be with him? and he keeps on doing what he’s doing all the times

that also explains why they’re on dates during one’s birthday and why they’re skipping gatherings to be together
i think han have invested in this ship to much to be a joke or??? they will have it really really bad in the future and he know it

No, I don't think Minsung is a joke, but I think they like to joke about things with fans. Like the signing the marriage papers thing. They clearly like to have fun, but ofc they take their relationship seriously lol. Caaaaaaalm down. I wasn't saying the whole ship is a joke, obv 🤣

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