Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Friend · 11h

I wish i don’t lose interest in skz i want to see the endgame of this shipping discourse because they really do look like they are romantically involved and have feelings for each other but it make sense for them to be fake because everything in kpop is fake and fabricated but again skz are nothing like other kpop groups not music or personality wise so it make sense that even their relationship to be real

I mean, I can only speak on SKZ, cuz they're the only group I fully Stan and pay attention to outside of just seeing things casually here and there like with other groups. But I'll say this: If I thought SKZ were completely fake like "everything in kpop", I wouldn't have gotten this invested in them. I know a lot is fake, but they're also real people (all the groups are), so to reduce their relationships to just "fake" or "just business partnerships" isn't fair. I see a real genuine love between the members, as well as something real between Minsung. Not everything is fake. I think it would be nearly impossible to keep up "the ship" this long to the extend that they'd need to for us to be this convinced of their legitimacy. Like, you just can't fake ALL the shit we've seen from them.

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