Anonymous Coward · 5y

What was the first album you bought on CD?

This one is really tough because my early CD collection was this melange of my parents’ CDs, CDs I was borrowing from the public library, and those I owned myself. CDs were $15-18 in the early 1990s, which is like being $30 today, and buying one destroyed my allowance, so I didn’t buy any until I was almost in high school...

I want to say the first CD I ever bought for myself with my own money was Master Of Puppets by Metallica.

I know my early collection was: Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning by Metallica, Rush’s best of collection, Counting Crows (“August and Everything After”), Dream Theater’s Images and Words and Awake albums, Pantera’s Vulgar Display of Power, and Fragile by Yes.

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