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Anon ❤ · 11mo

How do you think Allen and Kanata confessed to each other? Was it accidentally or not? Who decided to do the first move?

Definitely both, but in a "special" way.
They seem to me, to be the type of person who, when really want to achieve something, don't do it just for accident. They really propose to do it. (And I like the idea of applying that same thing in this case);
At first bringing up the topic in a discreet way, in an attempt to touch on dangerous ground.
Once they get to the point, for me, Allen is the one who spill it.

In fact! I have had this dialogue idea in my mind for a long time:
Allen: "I really like you. I just wanted you to know."
Kanata: "If you think you can handle someone like me, then do whatever you want."

You know like, this idea that you confess expecting "no" as an answer.
But you get something completely different. Indirectly that answer is corresponding your feelings.

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