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Answering with my silly headcanons, my conspiracy theories and overanalyzing every topic i love! 💪
What got you into Paradox Live
Seiyuus! ✨ Specifically, Murase and Yuuke (Kobayashi Yusuke). At that time Dr. Stone was on air, so I was surprised to see they would work together.
To be honest, I don't follow many music projects. Unless I like some of the seiyuus or music style (idols in general are not really my type 👀💦).
But, ParaLive really caught me not only for the songs. Also because of the story and they characters.
It's actually the first musical project I've followed since it was announced. (My hyperfixation since 2019 ☠️💖)
Hcs de que haría el Allenkana atrapados en una casa a mitad de un tifón (q no se note que ví las noticias de Japón)
Porque la unica forma en que Kanata puede pasar tiempo a solas con Allen, es con un desastre natural fuera 😂
• Allen deteniendo a Kanata de cometer suicidio porque estaria necio a salir para buscar a Nayuta. (Nayuta bien tranqui con Shiki en el bar).
• Definitivamente Allen es quien se pone a llorar o es más ansioso, y Kanata es quien lo tiene que calmar (usando seguramente la violencia)
• Kanata tendria a Allen en un rincon de la casa lejos de él 😂
• Una oportunidad donde ambos pueden charlar sobre ellos de situaciones más personales y no solo música.
Pese a diferencias de personalidades, yo en verdad creo que Allen y Kanata pueden mantener una platica y saber más sobre las vivencias de cada uno.
• Me encanta el hc de los actos de servicio que pueden demostrar ambos. Por ejemplo si tienen hambre y solo hay fideos instantaneos para uno, Allen le va a dar preferencia a Kanata y se los dejará solo para él. Y aún asi, Kanata va a compartirlos.
• Sumando las dos anteriores, es dondé se dan cuenta de las virtudes que poseen cada uno. Kanata viendo un lado más tranquilo de Allen. Y Allen viendo un lado más amable de Kanata.
Soo I've seen some of your rts lately. I'm not the kind of person who goes and hates on people for their ships, but I need to ask if you ship Yatonokami brothers or something, first than all bc I don't know you too much, I'm mostly a new follower and second bc I don't feel that safe in this fandom and their artists for a lot of reasons, I know people just like and give rt to whatever they consider as cute or adorable, but I really prefer to ask before going to wrong conclusions and I really hope it doesn't bothers you, I'm not an anti, but I don't really enjoy that kind of ships tho and since there's no carrd or more info about your preferences and what do you like I can't figuret out unless I ask directly.
I'm really sorry if it makes you uncomfortable ⊙﹏⊙
I've always been waiting for this question to be asked!
To be honest, at some point I did too~ the topic of incest is something that doesn't faze or bother me in fiction. I feel like it's good to be able to separate one thing from another~
However, there's something about Cozmez that I love. They are one of the few siblings I've seen with such a beautiful and pure brotherhood, and I really like that their relationship as siblings is explored and how it develops in the story.
The whole issue with Kanata's dependence, the fact that Nayuta feels like a burden since his childhood and how both learn to move forward from that, is so beautiful.
So I like to see them more as a pure relationship of family love.
(Personally, I feel extremely identified with how my brother and I are equally close.)
And don't worry!! It doesn't bother me or anything 💖 In any case, an apology because I am the type of person who gives rt anything i found cute or support my mutuals!!!
Another anon bc I'm ashamed of how devoted I'm to majikou destroy manga🥹🥹 characters are so interesting when you get to know them as any ogemaru manga but I had to bought the volumes in German and hope the best with the translation T-T hope they get popular one day so more people could meet them... Anyways it's so fun to know my favorite paralive artist also likes the work of Tanaka-san!
Hiiii I saw you follow majikou destroy's twt account and I'm curious if u know em bc I miss em so much but I feel like I'm the only one who knows it T-T
HI! YES! I even downloaded the songs! 😭 (I love all of Ogeretsu-san's works!)
I also read the manga, but at that time I think it wasn't well-known. So I only read a few chapters because I couldn't find more translations 😔
Last time I heard about em, was with the animated video that Mappa released 🤧
Do u have any reokenta hc? I want to see your perspective on em, I love ur art<33
They remind me a lot of Ranma and Akane's dynamic in Ranma ½!!! 😭
I like the idea that they fight not because can't stand each other, justo because it's very fun for them. (Especially for Kenta.)
They even just do it to get each other's attention ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
For now I have a very short idea, but I hope have more hc in the future 🙇♀️
And thank you!!! 🤧🤧🤧💖
Holiiis!!! Esto es más una duda existencial, hace muuuucho subiste un cómic Allenkana donde componían juntos y no había diálogo pero habían globos de texto con figuras musicales. Tema es que kanata le corrige/sugiere algo a Allen y yo soy solo una estudiante de musica que sobre analiza cada vez que sale algo relacionado jsjsjsjs quería saber si en verdad significaba algo o solo eran notitas al azar para mostrar que hablaban de musica, esuuuuu espero no te moleste la pregunta
Nunca me esperé una pregunta así! 😂😂😂
Cuando pensé en ese cómic, Kanata corrige la partitura que sugiere Allen, y escoge otra para que el verso de la canción que están intentando componer, suene con más armonía.
Por eso en ese mismo diálogo de Kanata, le "dice" su nueva sugerencia y el como sonaría con esa corrección.
Y no te preocupes!!! No me molesta, al contrario! Muchas gracias por ponerle atención a esos detalles 😭🤲💕
Do you have any hc with Allen, Kanata and Nayuta? (Not as a shipp, but like Nayuta annoying those two)
I always see Nayuta is mentioned as the "third wheel" between them. But, but I disagree with that 🤔
Unlike Kanata, he perceives situations much better and is the one who always ends up giving his brother own space (betraying) to talk with others.
I like the idea/hc that Nayuta actually intentionally stays with them at some point, just to annoy Kanata. Or even testing both.
Something like: If Suzaku stops bothering Kanata, maybe he let you stay the night next time. (😂)
I think Nayuta has this teasing nature, when is combined with Allen's simple-minded and Kanata's bad temper. It's actually a lot of fun to watch.
In fact, I have a slightly stuck idea of what a talk between Nayuta and Allen would be like. (but i still working with that 😩)
In some fanfics Allen knows how to speak russian and has some kind of contact with that part of him, do you think it would be like that? Would he teach Kanata some words? Or would he take advantage of him not knowing and say things like i love you?
First, I want to say that I love the idea of Allen really understanding and speaking a little bit of russian! 😭🫶
I would like to know if he had any good connection with his grandparents. Or it was a relationship similar to his parents.
Allen is a person who really loves to share what he knows, especially if it´s his strengths (like music).
So, I think it's a very cute thing that if Kanata showed real curiosity about it, he would surely teach him some words.
And above all, the idea that Kanata knows more about Allen's "international" side, both in language and his skill with the violin. Makes me want to cry (ಡ‸ಡ)
How do you think Allen and Kanata confessed to each other? Was it accidentally or not? Who decided to do the first move?
Definitely both, but in a "special" way.
They seem to me, to be the type of person who, when really want to achieve something, don't do it just for accident. They really propose to do it. (And I like the idea of applying that same thing in this case);
At first bringing up the topic in a discreet way, in an attempt to touch on dangerous ground.
Once they get to the point, for me, Allen is the one who spill it.
In fact! I have had this dialogue idea in my mind for a long time:
Allen: "I really like you. I just wanted you to know."
Kanata: "If you think you can handle someone like me, then do whatever you want."
You know like, this idea that you confess expecting "no" as an answer.
But you get something completely different. Indirectly that answer is corresponding your feelings.
Sukiiii!!! Love your art so much!!! I wanna nom nom them everytime I see it!! Anyway Take care Queen and Stay Hydrated!!! <3
P.S - don't mind informal me!!!
~ Sincerely A Fan 🥂
Do you have a favourite allenkana headcanon?
It's probably a simplistic answer💦
But headcanon that I like most, and I also have read from some fans, is that both of them form this bond of trust and union. (And not only from a romantic point of view.)
Something that I really like from Kanata and Allen, is the development that was given them since DESIRE.
Kanata closed himself off to everything. And that Allen might be able to get just little closer with something they both share (passion for hip-hop). It's wonderful.
They're a fun dynamic. But they're also was a relationship that at the beginning was not reciprocal and seems superficial. And now, both show they respect each other and allow themselves to be closer (especially on Kanata's part).
And I want that side be exploited much more!! See how they can really form a bond where both trust on each other.
Why aren't Allen and Kanata kissing yet?
Hola ☺ me gustaria saber cuales son tus headcanons AllenKana 🥰
Holi!!! 💕
Me has preguntado mi mero mole, así que ahí te va mi biblia ✨
• Mientras que Kanata es conciente de sus sentimientos, (pero rechaza la idea de sentirlos). Allen confunde el sentir amor con mera admiración.
• Allen en mucho más directo con sus palabras, por lo que no le es difícil expresarse. Kanata es más indirecto al momento de hacerlo.
• Kanata tiene una cara demasiado linda, pero Allen no es del tipo de persona que se fije en la apariencia. Sin embargo, si se lo mencionan demasiado, es cuando comienza a notarlo.
• Kanata secretamente le gusta recibir los elogios de Allen en todo momento, por lo que cuando escucha que muestra el mismo interés por otra persona, empieza a sentir celos.
• Allen puede invadir el espacio personal de Kanata con mucha facilidad (inconscientemente). Pero si Kanata intenta eso mismo con él, le entra mucha vergüenza.
• Aunque Kanata no es igual de detallista como lo es Allen, intenta poner bastante atención en las cosas que le gustan para darle un "buen" regalo.
• Se enamoran lentamente. Pero al llegar al punto fuerte, ninguno de los dos sabe cómo confesarse, porque creen que no es mutuo.
• Otra similar a la anterior, es que cuando ya ambos son muy concientes de lo que sienten, les es mucho más difícil acercarse o mantener contacto visual porque se ponen nerviosos.
• Ambos son tan densos (estúpidos(?)) que necesitan la ayuda de Anne y Nayuta para avanzar.
Do you like any ships other than AllenKana? With any of the characters of the other groups?
Yes! In fact, I like a lot more!!! (But my focus is always on AllenKana. Sorry about that 👀💦)
Some are:
ShikiNayu | They are my comfort ship. I love you so much 🥺
Saimon x Yohei
Anne x Satsuki
Kenta x Reo | They're quite funny
And of course, my first ship that I have a lot of affection for, and when animated they moment in the anime. I really cried: HajuAllen 💖
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