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Answering with my silly headcanons, my conspiracy theories and overanalyzing every topic i love! 💪

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Anon ❤ · 7mo

What got you into Paradox Live

Seiyuus! ✨ Specifically, Murase and Yuuke (Kobayashi Yusuke). At that time Dr. Stone was on air, so I was surprised to see they would work together.

To be honest, I don't follow many music projects. Unless I like some of the seiyuus or music style (idols in general are not really my type 👀💦).
But, ParaLive really caught me not only for the songs. Also because of the story and they characters.

It's actually the first musical project I've followed since it was announced. (My hyperfixation since 2019 ☠️💖)

Anon ❤ · 7mo

Hcs de que haría el Allenkana atrapados en una casa a mitad de un tifón (q no se note que ví las noticias de Japón)

Anon ❤ · 7mo
Anon ❤ · 7mo

Another anon bc I'm ashamed of how devoted I'm to majikou destroy manga🥹🥹 characters are so interesting when you get to know them as any ogemaru manga but I had to bought the volumes in German and hope the best with the translation T-T hope they get popular one day so more people could meet them... Anyways it's so fun to know my favorite paralive artist also likes the work of Tanaka-san!

It makes me very happy that someone else knows that manga!!! 😭💖💖💖 And I really like how Ogeretsu made an idol story from her perspective~ I hope one day find a translation of all the chapters ;;
By the way, my favorite song was "Cycle Cycle" (KENN'S VOICE IS BEAUTIFUL! 🙇‍♂️)

Anon ❤ · 7mo

Hiiii I saw you follow majikou destroy's twt account and I'm curious if u know em bc I miss em so much but I feel like I'm the only one who knows it T-T

HI! YES! I even downloaded the songs! 😭 (I love all of Ogeretsu-san's works!)

I also read the manga, but at that time I think it wasn't well-known. So I only read a few chapters because I couldn't find more translations 😔

Last time I heard about em, was with the animated video that Mappa released 🤧

Anon ❤ · 10mo

Do u have any reokenta hc? I want to see your perspective on em, I love ur art<33

They remind me a lot of Ranma and Akane's dynamic in Ranma ½!!! 😭

I like the idea that they fight not because can't stand each other, justo because it's very fun for them. (Especially for Kenta.)
They even just do it to get each other's attention (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)

For now I have a very short idea, but I hope have more hc in the future 🙇‍♀️

And thank you!!! 🤧🤧🤧💖

Anon ❤ · 10mo

Holiiis!!! Esto es más una duda existencial, hace muuuucho subiste un cómic Allenkana donde componían juntos y no había diálogo pero habían globos de texto con figuras musicales. Tema es que kanata le corrige/sugiere algo a Allen y yo soy solo una estudiante de musica que sobre analiza cada vez que sale algo relacionado jsjsjsjs quería saber si en verdad significaba algo o solo eran notitas al azar para mostrar que hablaban de musica, esuuuuu espero no te moleste la pregunta

Nunca me esperé una pregunta así! 😂😂😂
Cuando pensé en ese cómic, Kanata corrige la partitura que sugiere Allen, y escoge otra para que el verso de la canción que están intentando componer, suene con más armonía.
Por eso en ese mismo diálogo de Kanata, le "dice" su nueva sugerencia y el como sonaría con esa corrección.

Y no te preocupes!!! No me molesta, al contrario! Muchas gracias por ponerle atención a esos detalles 😭🤲💕

Anon ❤ · 11mo

Do you have any hc with Allen, Kanata and Nayuta? (Not as a shipp, but like Nayuta annoying those two)

Anon ❤ · 11mo

In some fanfics Allen knows how to speak russian and has some kind of contact with that part of him, do you think it would be like that? Would he teach Kanata some words? Or would he take advantage of him not knowing and say things like i love you?

First, I want to say that I love the idea of ​​Allen really understanding and speaking a little bit of russian! 😭🫶
I would like to know if he had any good connection with his grandparents. Or it was a relationship similar to his parents.

Allen is a person who really loves to share what he knows, especially if it´s his strengths (like music).
So, I think it's a very cute thing that if Kanata showed real curiosity about it, he would surely teach him some words.
And above all, the idea that Kanata knows more about Allen's "international" side, both in language and his skill with the violin. Makes me want to cry (ಡ‸ಡ)

Anon ❤ · 1y

How do you think Allen and Kanata confessed to each other? Was it accidentally or not? Who decided to do the first move?

Anon ❤ · 1y

Sukiiii!!! Love your art so much!!! I wanna nom nom them everytime I see it!! Anyway Take care Queen and Stay Hydrated!!! <3

P.S - don't mind informal me!!!

~ Sincerely A Fan 🥂

WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭😭😭💜 I swear if I had more words of love for your comments, I would give them!
I will continue to do my best! 🙇‍♀️

And don't hesitate to treat me like we've been friends for years, please! 😊❤️

Anon ❤ · 1y

Do you have a favourite allenkana headcanon?

Anon ❤ · 1y

Why aren't Allen and Kanata kissing yet?

Anon ❤ · 1y

Hola ☺ me gustaria saber cuales son tus headcanons AllenKana 🥰

Anon ❤ · 1y

Do you like any ships other than AllenKana? With any of the characters of the other groups?

Yes! In fact, I like a lot more!!! (But my focus is always on AllenKana. Sorry about that 👀💦)

Some are:
ShikiNayu | They are my comfort ship. I love you so much 🥺
Saimon x Yohei
Anne x Satsuki
Kenta x Reo | They're quite funny
And of course, my first ship that I have a lot of affection for, and when animated they moment in the anime. I really cried: HajuAllen 💖

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