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Anon ❤ · 9mo

In some fanfics Allen knows how to speak russian and has some kind of contact with that part of him, do you think it would be like that? Would he teach Kanata some words? Or would he take advantage of him not knowing and say things like i love you?

First, I want to say that I love the idea of ​​Allen really understanding and speaking a little bit of russian! 😭🫶
I would like to know if he had any good connection with his grandparents. Or it was a relationship similar to his parents.

Allen is a person who really loves to share what he knows, especially if it´s his strengths (like music).
So, I think it's a very cute thing that if Kanata showed real curiosity about it, he would surely teach him some words.
And above all, the idea that Kanata knows more about Allen's "international" side, both in language and his skill with the violin. Makes me want to cry (ಡ‸ಡ)

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