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Anon · 1mo

¿Que hubiera pasado si Gojo mantenía alejado a Megumi del mundo de la la hechicería?

Thank you for the question! I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish but I hope the google translation is correct:
[What would have happened if Gojo kept Megumi away from the world of sorcery?]
I'm sorry, this turned out to be so long, just skip to "tl;dr" part. (>人<;)

Assuming it's the same world where Toji died and Gojo found Megumi before the Zen'in did, and the only exception that Megumi didn't enlist in the Jujutsu high and went to normal school.
In short, I think for someone like Megumi who was born with a brilliant talent can never really live a normal life. Gojo training him and trying to make him stronger was like a tool that he can use to take care of himself and protect himself -even though that didn't seem to work well for the two of them. I think it's kind of doomed situation for the two of them.

Gege stated in the fanbook that Megumi never worked professionally as a sorcerer until he joined the high school. He only went to missions with Gojo -so I'm assuming Gojo took him to missions to train him and give him experience.
But even when he was in a normal school, Tsumiki still got cursed and many in their school got cursed too. Tsumiki was also targeted by Kenjaku at some point, so she was never safe even around Gojo and Megumi. It has nothing to do with Megumi becoming a sorcerer or not.

But let's assume that Tsumiki was safe and never cursed was Megumi going to be happy in life if things were normal? I don't think so. We can see in chapter 9 and chapter 59 how Megumi thinks of the world as bad people who do bad things and good people who enable them by forgiving them. You can see that Megumi himself was never really the kind of person who was going to be happy and satisfied just by "simple normal life". In my opinion Megumi started adapting this mentality and started appreciating the little things in life after Tsumiki was cursed, hence the "I was childish, so come back stupid sister, I'll apologize". What I'm trying to say is that: I think he always wanted his sister to have such a life but it's not something he wanted and desired for himself until Tsumiki was cursed.

I think we can say that it probably started with having "bad people" as caretakers, his father was deadbeat who literally forgot his son's name, and probably his step mom was lousy too, since young Megumi assumes that they runaway together and done taking care of them. So IMO Megumi's trauma started long before he even met Gojo. Probably when his mother died and Toji stopped caring. It always saddens me how sad 3 years old Megumi was in Toji's flashback. Psychology it's suggested that things like attachment issues and many issues develop in early childhood, a stage children won't even remember in their lives.

Now let's say that after Megumi grew up, he's not as angry as his mid school self, he studied in a normal high school and went to collage. How would his life turn out?
We actually have two examples of what Megumi's life could have been in the manga.
1) Nanami -which is closer to Megumi's case: Nanami went to juju high but chose to have a safe life after what he went through. At the end of the day, Nanami realized that the real world and the world of sorcery are equally unfair and unjust, there will always be "bad people" ruining everyone's life anywhere, so he chose what he can do best. He chose the part where he might not make some change but where he can be true to himself. (Interesting detail in the porotype draft of JJK is that Nanami was going to snap at work and kill everyone.)

2) Higuruma: the other example is Higuruma. He had a similar life to Nanami in the porotype manga, he worked a decent job until one day he snapped because he was done with how wrong this world was. the difference is that Higuruma never knew about Jujustu. Higuruma probably had similar vision to Megumi, he says something like "the eyes of the lady of justice's statue are closed, even if it was just me, I wanted to keep my eyes open". I think like Megumi, he wanted "good people" to receive more justice in a this world. He tried to help people with the tool he had: Law. Where we see Megumi says that Jujutsu us a tool of justice and to punish bad people.
But it was never good enough for Higuruma, he couldn't even change anything. So when he got his Jujutsu power he used it to follow his ideals and enforce what he thought was justice and punish bad people, even if he regretted killing people later.

What I'm trying to say is that In my opinion, even if Tsumiki was still alright and even if he had the choice to stay away from it for some time, just like Nanami and Higuruma, Megumi will most likely was going to turn around and get involved in the Jujutsu world -peacefully like Nanami or violently like Higuruma, simply because that's who he is as a person.

That said, in the canon verse, Shibuya would still happen. Gojo will still be sealed, Yuji might not have become a vessel for Sukuna in chapter 1, but he will become one in Shibuya after Kenjaku removes all the seals, and as we recently got to know, Yuji was born with a Sukuna's finger sealed inside of him.
The difference would be is that I think that Sukuna might not have killed all these people as Yuji, and he might not have possessed Megumi and kill Tsumiki and Gojo.
But then again, in this world if Megumi was raised by Gojo, I think he might still participate in the culling game to rescue Gojo. And who knows how things could have went, he might still get possessed since he might encounter others and Angel, and Angel who's looking for Sukuna.
At any rate, for all we know all of Japan is in danger from Kenjaku's plan. (Idk the plot has been all over the place recently I'm not sure about this?) So maybe by a miracle, Megumi and Tsumiki didn't get caught up in this mess and they might have evacuated to somewhere safer in Japan or outside Japan. I don't really know. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Thank you for the question. I'm sorry it's too long, I hope something there made sense. ♡

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