Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Stranger · 6mo

Have you ever run into someone who absolutely deserved to be eaten? If so, did you eat them, and did you enjoy it?

"Oh, I've bumped into bandits, highwaymen, cutthroats, cultists, and lots of people who definitely deserved to be digested," Chista says, patting her belly. "Normally, I don't savor digesting a person, but if there's is a big wanna-be badass robbing and bullying people weaker than themselves, then it's perfectly okay to enjoy churning them into slush, and if it's okay to digest them, then it's perfectly fine to enjoy the process. Tease them a little bit, squeeze the stomach muscles a few times to get those last few squirms before they melt, belch up their last breath, and try to guess what they said. You know little games like that, nothing too crazy."

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