Chista Moon

Chista is an adventurer with a heart of gold and an incredibly ravenous appetite, thanks to the Gluttinous Curse. She's not going to let that stand in the way of being a hero!

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Curious Stranger · 4mo

Why is it that you are usually okay with your large rounded belly being exposed and gurgling right in front of someone (man or woman) whenever you and that someone talk to each other, even if it's in public?

Curious Stranger · 11d

I’m curious, what kind of weapons are available for the average person out in the borderland? I’ve seen various party’s use bladed weapons but I’ve also heard mention of there being different firearms. What kind of guns are there and what’s your preferred type?

Curious Stranger · 18d

What kind of races (aside from humans) inhabit the borderlands, and what’s the highest percentage of them?

Curious Stranger · 27d

How big have you been or are wish to be?, in terms of weight or belly size? Do you ever feel the urge to just grow ginormous?

Curious Stranger · 27d

Which do you prefer eating? Men or women? And on that note, which of the two are easier to dump out?

Curious Stranger · 1mo

Has there ever been in a situation where you were hunting a bounty/wanted individual, got close to catching them, but another Glutton got to them first and ate them. Did both of you have an awkward moment looking each other down while figuring out what to do?

"I've had this happen a couple of times, and the first rule of bounty hunting is: Winner Takes All. If a bounty I'm after is in someone else's custody, be it belly or irons, I'll respect that and take the loss. There's just not much to gain getting into a fight over a bounty already caught, and there are always more bounties to be had. One thing The Borderlands isn't short on is its criminals, bandits, and thugs needing to be brought to justice."

Curious Stranger · 1mo

What kind of underwear do you usually wear?

"Now, aren't you a bold one!" Chista says, shaking her head with a smile on her face. "I shouldn't answer this, but I respect how forward this is. So I'll just say that a woman of my physique can't really wear undergarments that fit comfortably."

Curious Stranger · 1mo

How often and how badly do you get gas from digesting someone? How do you deal with it and not draw attention to yourself?

Curious Stranger · 1mo

Soooooo, I''ve noticed Christa's gut seems almost like it has a mind of it's own sometimes Can we confirm or deny this?

Curious Stranger · 1mo

A few questions I've had for awhile. How often do you end up burping after swallowing/digesting someone or something? And do you have any fond memories or even stories where it has gotten you in trouble or interfered with your work?

Curious Stranger · 1mo

Has there ever been a time where you yourself were almost eaten by either another Glutton or beast? After all the saying “There’s always a bigger fish” holds true. And if it does happen do you have a plan to escape/survive?

Curious Stranger · 2mo
Curious Stranger · 1mo

Have there ever been warrior Gluttons? Like soldiers who have a reputation for devouring enemy combatants?

Curious Stranger · 2mo

I know you have had quite a few adventures so I don't blame you for not remembering... BUT... What was the most valuable thing, that you know of, that you ever either belched up or found squeezed out your backside at journeys end (assuming said thing wasn't absolutely buried of course)

Curious Stranger · 1mo

Are there other lands outside of the borderlands? I know that there’s the Tsardom of Markovia you mention, who claim the territory but are there other kingdoms beyond the region?

Curious Stranger · 2mo

Here's some 2 interesting questions Christa.
1. Have you ever had trouble sleeping when your belly gets to big & your prey squirms more (depending what prey you devour)
2. Do you sometimes let the person sleep with u like let's say someone's cuddling your belly like a pillow? and I bet your cauldron makes noises which gives them comfort when they lay on your belly like a pillow

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