Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Stranger · 7mo

When did you start talking to your stomach like it was a person? And why? Did you always do this or did it start after you became a Glutton/pred?
Don't you worry you might look insane or weird talking to your gut like that?

"Uh... I... don't really remember when I started talking to my belly, but it was definitely post-becoming a Glutton," Chista said, looking down at her potbelly. "I think I had a rather violent episode of indigestion one day on the road, and the habit just kinda stuck around after that. Honestly, it feels like it helps keep this ravenous girl under control," Chista squeezes her belly. ₒ৹๐ Gurrgle ˚॰ₒ৹๐ her gut shudders with the deep gurgle. "You're not helping your case," Chista says to her belly before releasing it; the fat plops back to its usual round shape.

"I know people will think it's weird, but aren't we all weird in our own little ways," Chista says. "It helps me and that's all that really matters in the end."

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