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Curious Stranger · 6mo

Is it possible for some with the Gluttonous curse to find a romantic partner? As stated previously Gluttons don’t tend to stick by one another but can that be overwritten if one Glutton fall in love with someone? Can the significant other weather they are also a Glutton or not have a long lasting reaction or are they just lining themselves up to be someone’s next meal?

"Oh... um... It's a little hard because Gluttons tend to eat things they find attractive," Chista says. "At least that's been my experience, but I'll admit that might just be my problem." She sighs as a memory of a cute guy she saw ended up with a one-way trip through her guts. "The Curse warps a lot of things, so I'm honestly not sure if a romantic bond is strong enough to usurp that, as for me it just seems to amplify that desire to consume whoever that person is."

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