Anastasia Theodora.

Exudes serene like a tranquil moon gleam, breathes through the rhythm of her music and her delicate graceful š—½š—¼š—²š—ŗ, weaving eloquent tapestry.

Grindelwald, Switzerland
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Arwen. M Ā· 82 answers Ā· 5mo

what energy do you think i radiate? catšŸ±, bunnyšŸ°, or dogšŸ¶?

š“†©ā™”š“†Ŗ Ā· 5mo

malu buat reply di tweet km tapi aku suka bgt sama tema retro km yg baru ana! ā˜ŗļø

OMG that's really cute! Whoever you are, thank you so much for saying that. Tapi jangan malu-malu.. aku gak akan ngapa-ngapain kamu kok!

Nadine Ā· 141 answers Ā· 5mo

If you had the opportunity to study a mystery, which one place would you find interesting?
A. Space
B. Undersea

Actually, both of those things are what I fear in this world. They are fascinating, yet too vast, mysterious, and frightening. However, if I have to choose, I will choose A. Space! I remember writing an article about black holes when I was still in junior high school! I am also interested in celestial objects such as stars, planets, galaxies, and so on. How beautiful God's creation is! (Although it's quite scary to see how 'big' they are). If the undersea world is just too mysterious, too terrifying... you know, imagining sea monsters! I wouldn't be able to handle it, especially since I can't swim :(

Jovan Angelo. Ā· 5mo

Halo, aku G yang dari ssefnum yah šŸ˜šŸ«µ

Arwen. M Ā· 51 answers Ā· 5mo

ada yang mau followan twitter sama aku ngga? boleh drop unamenya nanti aku follow >.<

Arwen. M Ā· 24 answers Ā· 5mo

heeeeeelp. my skin is irritated and super dry, sampe ngelupas gitu. awalnya karna nyoba sunscreen baru, eh kok panas ya sunscreennya. terus sekarang kulitku jadi begini. i stopped using that sunscreen, and i've tried all of my hydrating skincare yang biasa aku pake. seems nothing works so far.. what should i do?

Omg aku juga lagi mengalami itu, Arwen. Kayaknya gara-gara cuaca yang lagi super panas deh. Pernah konsul ke dokter, dan beliau bilang aku harus pakai face wash yang gentle, disuruhnya pakai hadalabo yang ultimate moisturizing! Terus kalau sunscreen aku pakai nivea sun face serum oil control yang warna biru. Sorry bukannya mendukung product Z word, tapi aku cocoknya pakai itu.. kalau ganti sunscreen pasti langsung ngamuk kulitnya T____T. And also tambahan moist somethinc yang calm down deh super ringan dan beneran calming bangettt.

š“†©ā™”š“†Ŗ Ā· 5mo

I want to be friends on Twitter with you, Anastasia!

Hi, sure thing! You can follow me here @demuiselle. Maybe you also can send me a message so I'll know who you are and we can talk? :D

Abe. Ā· 5mo

Can you name a film that holds a special place in your heart or maybe had a significant impact on your life?

ā‚į¢..į¢ā‚Ž Ā· 4 answers Ā· 5mo

Hiā€¦. bolehkah aku minta saran film yang super sedih, sedih gila, sedih mampus, yang bisa bikin nangis bombay banjir seember sekabupaten sampai jadi tsunami air mata? Thank nyaaw ~ šŸ«¶

There are two movies that come to mind when reading your question: 'A Man Called Otto' and 'Hachiko'. Both of them truly made me cry, and it was quite intense. However, I recommend starting with 'A Man Called Otto.' You'll be surprised at the beginning of the story, and you won't anticipate how the movie will end sadly. As far as I can remember, I cried throughout the three acts I divided the movie into (and in each act, I cried like crazy). I even had to redo my nighttime skincare routine because I cried so much :(

kEFFYYY āœ© Ā· 20 answers Ā· 5mo

hi :( kl sedih kalian biasanya ngapain :(

When I experience sadness, my usual approach is to embrace and feel that emotion, often leading to tears. I believe it's a way for us to understand our emotions and self. Once I begin to feel more at ease, I engage in activities that typically bring me happiness, such as watching funny videos, listening to music, eating, or simply going for a stroll outdoors. I don't know what's happening with you or what you're going through right now, but I genuinely hope you're doing well, Keffy! Keep that smile on your face! :)

Alvino Ā· 12 answers Ā· 5mo

Apa hal yang sudah bikin kamu tersenyum hari ini? Tell me about it, I want to feel your happiness too.

Actually, numerous small joys have brightened my day. Some of them include my cat being clingy when I feed her, enjoying coffee without any stomach discomfort, savoring rendang-flavored noodles, and receiving two packages I've been waiting for today. I hope there will still be other things that make me smile until the day concludes! :)

kEFFYYY āœ© Ā· 12 answers Ā· 5mo

guysā€¦.ada rekomendasi film sedih gakā€¦.sedih yg SEDIH sampai banjir seindonesiaā€¦ā€¦

A MAN CALLED OTTO! At first, you might get irritated by Otto's character, but be prepared to cry throughout the entire movie (I didn't anticipate this initially). From what I remember, I can break down the sorrow in this film into three segments, and in each segment, I cried like CRAZY. You need to experience that sadness too! I'm not exaggerating... the movie is genuinely fantastic but very melancholic. And I watched it with someone who's now somewhat unfamiliar to me, adding an extra layer of sorrow (sorry for including personal sadness LMAO).

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