Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, time for your weekly dose of reminder. how are you feeling? liburan semester gini harusnya full healing dari belajar, tapi malah awikwok banget ya..? i hope you’re feeling better.. jangan lupa makan dan minum air putih yang cukup, minum obat juga if needed. you’ve survived once again, i’m glad you’re still here. please take care of yourself, okay? i’ll help by taking care of you from here. tomorrow’s the weekend, so i hope you get to enjoy them, mr. giannino. 🐣

hey ive been having bad insomnia lately and got busy with a lot of irl stuff (rapat) hahaha real awikwok, kayak nya kalimat ini gak akan pernah berhenti so thank you for always checking up on me and making me feel better anon piyik. dont tire of yourself and dont be so stress okay? bcs you dont deserve any of that. have a great weekend ahead.

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