Dean Giannino

dont chase me, chase atlantic

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Anonymous Coward · 4mo

teruntuk oknum dean, this might be my last weekly reminder for you since i’ve been getting busier lately.. how was your week? i haven’t opened x much but i do hope you’re doing well. is your sleep getting better? don’t forget your meals and drink lots of water to stay hydrated. you have to take care of yourself, okay? thank you for letting me be your admirer from afar, i do admire you. i hope things ill go better for you! i’ll see you when i see you, mr. giannino 🐣

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

katanya 19 feb itu hari confess sedunia, ada rencana confess ngga?

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, back with your weekly reminder 😎 how did your week go? minggu ini nyoblos, kamu masih punya bekas tinta di jari kamu gak? are you resting enough as well? i hope you do. you’ve done well this week, thank you for surviving and making it out alive. i’m so proud of you! please take care of yourself, eat your meals and reduce your smoking 🫵🏻 tomorrow’s the weekend, so i hope you’ll have a great time enjoying it, mr. giannino! 🐣

tinta nya udah hilang dari hari pertama juga kenapa gampang ilang yaa, ah anyway thank you for always spreading kindness and pushing through piyik, untuk masalah rokok im sorry i cant help it but ill try to reduce as much as i can. i enjoyed my weekend so much, i hope you do as well. good night piyik.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, your weekly reminder is here! how did your week go? it seemed pretty tiring.. (i saw your driving tweet). hope you get enough rest though (i’ll blow those insomnias away 🌬️), and don’t forget your meals! JANGAN minum-minum juga, okay? you have to take care of yourself, dean (i’m watching you 😑). also, do you have a guess of who i am? asking this out of curiosity cause i kinda think you do.. nonetheless, you’ve done well this week, so i hope you’ll enjoy your weekend, mr. giannino! 🐣

wkwk minum sedikit soalnya i still have to be sober. not yet, can you give me a clue i still dont know who you are, im clueless atm. thank you so much piyik, hope you’ll enjoy your weekend too.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, this isn’t your weekly scheduled reminder. i just feel like talking to you. diliat-liat ada yang udah mulai aktif lagi nih. glad to see you roaming the timeline, mr. giannino. those insomnias still disturb your night? i hope you get enough rest despite your busy scheds (masih rapat gak tuh?) don’t forget to eat your meals, and drink enough water, okay? have a great rest of the week, dean 🐣

wkwk iya, lets interact more on the tl piyik, but wouldn’t it be better if i know who you are? i would love to get to know you too and talk to you more. iya the damn insomnia still disturb me. its been two weeks ive only slept 2-3 hours. rest rapat dulu hari ini waktunya healing. so do you piyik, thank you though.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Do u have a crush?

i do, on hanni pham. but serious answer, i dont. and im not in the right state to having a crush on someone right now. hope that ease your curiosity ya.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, time for your weekly dose of reminder. how are you feeling? liburan semester gini harusnya full healing dari belajar, tapi malah awikwok banget ya..? i hope you’re feeling better.. jangan lupa makan dan minum air putih yang cukup, minum obat juga if needed. you’ve survived once again, i’m glad you’re still here. please take care of yourself, okay? i’ll help by taking care of you from here. tomorrow’s the weekend, so i hope you get to enjoy them, mr. giannino. 🐣

hey ive been having bad insomnia lately and got busy with a lot of irl stuff (rapat) hahaha real awikwok, kayak nya kalimat ini gak akan pernah berhenti so thank you for always checking up on me and making me feel better anon piyik. dont tire of yourself and dont be so stress okay? bcs you dont deserve any of that. have a great weekend ahead.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

what song have you been enjoying lately?

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, how was your weekend? i hope you’re feeling better already. sekarang udah senin lagi, hari jelek but it’s a new week so there’s still hope! semoga minggu baru ini bakal lebih baik ya ke kamu. last week was unfortunate, but this has to be better! aku bakal manifesting yang baik-baik buat kamu dengan pake kekuatan doa dan anime. you’ve survived another week, you did amazing, dean. i’m proud of you. i’ll check up on you again later, yeah? (this will be a weekly thing). see you! 🐣

i had a fever yesterday and my stomach has been hurting for 2 days huh. wkwk iya tolong kirimin kekuatan anime ya kesini. okay thank you for always checking up on me and making me feel better youre literally angel. i wanna let you know that you are appreciated, i hope that you can always stay healthy and well take care of yourself, see you!

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, how was your week? i saw you weren’t feeling well, i didn’t want to disturb you but i hope you’re feeling better. also, psst psst kayaknya secret admirer kamu banyak but you didn’t hear that from me 🤫 tomorrow’s the weekend so i hope you’ll rest well and take your time to recover for the time being. you’ve survived, you’re surviving, and you’ll continue to survive. i believe in you. have a great weekend, mr. giannino! 🐣

hey🐣 its been a while where have you been? this week has been one of the most difficult ever i could barely even open twitter. lmao i dont feel like that. i will, thank you for taking care of me. it really meant a lot to me. youre great people i hope the universe will always be kind to you. have a nice weekend ahead

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hello, I didn't hear from you again today, how did you have your day? I hope you are always filled with happiness and good things. Whatever happens, please remember that you are loved. I hope the day I send this you've recovered, or if not I wish you a speedy recovery as always. Have a good day!

hey, i think your prayer was heard bcs i feel better now, your prayers have meant a lot to me, i’ll be back as soon as i am able. i hope i get to know you asap :P have a good day!

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hello, I don't know how you are today. It's worrying that you're not interacting on the timeline like yesterday. How are you doing? I hope the illness doesn't get worse. I pray for your recovery from here, have a good day!

hi anon, thank you for being concerned for me. im on the road quick recovery and im so sorry i truly dont have the energy to interact in timeline. i will be back to my feet, god bless you.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hello, again. I don't know if you've recovered or not, but I wish you a speedy recovery. Are you taking your medicine well and getting enough rest? I hope so. I'm so glad to see that you've been interacting on the timeline again, even if it's just for a little while. Please be happy and have a good day!

i’ve mastered the art of forgetting to take my medicine on time lmao, be happy too anon.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Please be kind to yourself. Take a nap, drink some water, it'll make you feel better. You're doing amazing, you totally got this!!! I wish I could hug you, because you mean so much to me

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

I heard you're not feeling well, and I really hope you bounce back soon. Have you seen a doctor? If so, make sure to follow their advice. I'm not sure what you're dealing with, but I sincerely hope it's not too severe. Sending positive vibes for your speedy recovery. Take it easy, rest, and try not to overthink things. Have a good day!

i answered this from the hospital due to some health issues thank you for always praying for good things for me, thank you for being so kind to me. stay healthy and get lots of sleep, anon.

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