Anonymous Coward · 5mo

teruntuk oknum dean, this isn’t your weekly scheduled reminder. i just feel like talking to you. diliat-liat ada yang udah mulai aktif lagi nih. glad to see you roaming the timeline, mr. giannino. those insomnias still disturb your night? i hope you get enough rest despite your busy scheds (masih rapat gak tuh?) don’t forget to eat your meals, and drink enough water, okay? have a great rest of the week, dean 🐣

wkwk iya, lets interact more on the tl piyik, but wouldn’t it be better if i know who you are? i would love to get to know you too and talk to you more. iya the damn insomnia still disturb me. its been two weeks ive only slept 2-3 hours. rest rapat dulu hari ini waktunya healing. so do you piyik, thank you though.

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