Anonymous Coward · 4mo

teruntuk oknum dean, this might be my last weekly reminder for you since i’ve been getting busier lately.. how was your week? i haven’t opened x much but i do hope you’re doing well. is your sleep getting better? don’t forget your meals and drink lots of water to stay hydrated. you have to take care of yourself, okay? thank you for letting me be your admirer from afar, i do admire you. i hope things ill go better for you! i’ll see you when i see you, mr. giannino 🐣

it’s been a tough week, my car got hit by a drunk driver, and argued with my parents, but its okay, ill soon face busy weeks (entering the new semester) my sleep lately is also quite good i started to be able to sleep under 3 am, dont forget to take a rest ya piyik, i know you’ve been soo busy but dont forget to take some fresh air and eat something delicious okay? thank you for the little big things that you do. thank you for your constant support, thank you for creating time for me even in your busy schedule, thank you for your care, thank you for your listening ears all the time, ahh i truly cant thank you enough for always supporting me and treating me so kindly, but i truly wish we talked more and had the chance to really get to know each other more everyday. terakhir i hope you know youre strong, i believe in you dont stress yourself out too much. you are the best, you got this🫳🏻🫳🏻 live well. see you🐣 (not gonna lie i kinda cried while typing this) im gonna miss you.

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