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Anonymous Coward · 3d

what are jess and yancy’s favorite things about each other?

For Jess: Her fiery temperament, her overwhelming passion and drive for life, her type of humor, she's quick witted, and she's talented musically-wise

For Yancy: He's a sweetheart, she's strong-willed and physically strong, he's a damn good cook, he's patient, he's diligent, he's a family man, and he's got his own dry humor that Jess thinks is cute.

Anonymous Coward · 3d

what if jess tried to get back into her old band getup with her new berried body?

If she did, she'd promptly tear all of her former bandmates apart by telling them how they're genuinely horrible people, LOLLLL (Ties into the angsty story)

Anonymous Coward · 3d

sleep is nice and all but get yourself beat up after waking up to get over writing block

Anonymous Coward · 17d

If you had to expand the characters in Violet Valentine what kind of character would you make?

There's a lot of characters behind the scenes that I haven't shown just yet, but a good chunk of them have to be Yancy and Jess' families. I'd like to add side characters unrelated to Jess and Yancy, but I don't want to make the cast a bit too "bloated," lol

Anonymous Coward · 22d

What is your head canon explanation for blueberry transformations in the Jess/Yancy verse?

Anonymous Coward · 17d

So I know awhile back you cooked with the idea of having a song be sung in sync to a berry’s burps & braps but if that is the case how would you incorporate it?

ALRIGHT SO - I imagined the berry in question burping and belching for a solid 30 seconds as the instrumental of the song kicks in. As they pick up more and more, tubas and horns kick in and complement the voluminous sounds emitating from the repulsive fruit that is blasting air from both ends. As the intensity of both the berry and the instruments come to a climax, the vocalists hit the HIGHEST notes possible.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo
Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Any thoughts on gassy berries?

Anon, I fucking love gassy berries. Just like I had posted before, their body is already out of their control, so what else could make their unfortunate experience worse for them? They're unable to stop the steady flow of sweet gas from escaping. It doesn't help it's strongly pungent and pervasive to anyone who's in their vicinity...

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Has there ever been a moment you considered giving Jess or Yancy alternate hairstyles/outfits?

YES I HAVE!! I've been thinking about designs for Jess and Yancy after they've been together for a couple years. Jess would grow out her hair a bit more while also trying out a mix of styles between her typical punk-ish style and country stuff because of Yancy and his family rubbing off on her. Yancy would grow out a full beard for the hell of it, and he'd go from having a wardrobe of only casual stuff to having some more business-casual oriented clothes because of him wanting to get more involved with the business side of Jess' dad's company and because of his responsibilities of his own job.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

How often has Jess deliberately become a berry? & what exactly made Jess & Yancy know for sure they had a thing for each other (excluding berry incident of course)

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Whenever Jess gets too pent up she has the chance of leaking juice from her crotch

When she's so incomprehensibly horny and retaining some juice, she starts leaking EVERYWHERE. She's already stammering because of how much she's holding back, but once she's starts saturating her entire outfit, she's acting like a fucking fool. Have Yancy send her some texts so filthy that it would kill a nun, and she's gonna sprint to the shower to let up some "stress."

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you want to go to Daveland with me

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hey g would you make me a sandwich

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

lets play I Spy. I spy something... blue

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