Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Maybe its too "Oops all Berries" to do and i figure maaaaybe you plan it already, but which one of Jess' former bandmates would you rather get berried??? If this is planned already just put a smiley face instead of answering
I'm spoiling plans I have but I just wanna keep y'all fed. I like to imagine Jess and Stevie make up and while they're hanging out and smoking, Stevie asks something like "So like... How's it feels being a blueberry? It looks cool... ...Could I be a blueberry?" And Jess is genuinely perplexed why this stoned bitch is actually interested in being a blueberry because it looks "fun." But even after telling Stevie the temporary effects, Stevie is still down. So Jess puts some stored juice into a cup, mixes it with some water to dilute it, and let's her sip on it.
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