Anonymous demon · 10mo

Gretchen of the Goetia, esteemed Lady Almarala, and I find it curious that you are biding your time before getting to Heaven.

Our Lord, Helel, was granted Audience with the Almighty some millennia ago over a single mortal, and a Goetia heir, or should I say, the traitor, Aria, was allowed to spend time there long before she defected for some rookie Guardian.

If you wish to disclose such information, why the need to wait?

It is a most strange condition which keeps us from making it to Heaven so easily. It is impossible for us to gain an audience with any of Heaven for they created us, albeit indirectly and unwittingly, with the sole purpose of exiling absolutes, regrets and vices from their realm. So, we have to catch our chance at a moment when Heaven is at its most vulnerable. The moment when this happens is during wars.

Of course, this likely begs the question, "Why not use the massive wars like World War II?" Well, unfortunately, that souls thing works two ways. Evil souls and good souls die in war, so we have to stretch ourselves as thin as Heaven does. Another thing is that non-human are the only thing more guaranteed to go to Heaven at the time of death. So, attacking a pet friendly neighborhood with an abundant forest of wildies nearby? It's a perfect place. But we can only get up there if a mortal... "invites" us up.

It's a complicated series of ridiculous technicalities, but it is the reason why we have been forced to wait so long. It was an honor hearing from you again, Mistress Goetia. Te alis ardentibus receptat.

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