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Anonymous. · 11mo

Cola yang sodanga sudah hilang terasa seperti ciuman dengan cowok yang sudah putus

Anonymous. · 11mo

Kalau mau temenan gimana ya bang

Anonymous. · 12mo

hello! in case no one told you this yet, then i'll be the one telling you this; you're doing great, you've done your best, and amazing things are coming to you! :) 💫💛

Heeey, lucu banget. Thank you for the kind words, you've done your best and you deserve all the good things in this world.

Anonymous. · 12mo

Ke Matraman naik bajay
Hey Jenan, what's your plan today?

Pinter banget pantunnya? Nggak ada plan nder. Kalau lo gimana? Semoga harinya nyenengin ya. Kalau ada yang bikin sebel diinjek aja kakinya.

Anonymous. · 12mo

How’s your day, Jenan? Did you have fun today?

Good morning, gue baru cek Retro lagi. Yesterday I had a great day. I hope today treats you well dan nggak ada yang bikin lo kesel, ya.

Anonymous. · 12mo

Take care of your health, Jenan. Jangan sampe sakit ya. Jangan skip makan.

Will do, sender. Gue udah makan barusan. Thanks buat remindernya. Siapapun lo, jaga kesehatan, minum vitamin dan tidur yang cukup.

Anonymous. · 12mo

Good morning, Jenan. I hope you always be surrounded by happiness, also good things and good people. Jangan skip makan nya hari ini. Please have a good rest if you’re tired.

Good morning, sender. Thank you... Makasih banyak ya udah bilang gini, beneran. Same goes to you, ya, semoga lo bahagia. Have a wonderful day, precious soul.

Anonymous. · 1y

Jawabannya sama-sama memi(cat) hatiku. 🫰

Anonymous. · 1y

Tau gak persamaan kamu dengan kucing?

Tadi sih gue kepikiran kalau sama-sama hidup ya, tapi gak tau yang lo maksud gimana. Apa tuh kalau boleh tau?

Anonymous. · 1y

Dm duluan nih? Takut digalakinnnnnnn. Lu gigit ya

Iyaa coba DM dulu. MANA ADA GUE GIGIT. Tolong jangan sebar hoax, gue anak baik dan rajin menabung.

Anonymous. · 1y

Tapi katanya lu tukang ghosting :( terus gimana mau dekat?

LU KENAPA PERCAYA JEREMIAH ANJIR, YA ALLAH. Mending sini ngobrol dulu dah, tapi gak bisa sekarang soalnya gue lagi limit DM.

Anonymous. · 1y

Tutor jadi bff elu

Kalo udah followan yuk ngobrol tapi kalo belum followan dulu abis itu ngobrol. Gak ada tutornya bang, cuma sksd aja nanti juga ngalir topiknya.

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