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Tictak47 · 6 answers · 3y

do you have a favorite "guilty sweet," like you KNOW its bad for you in every way, but damn it's tasty

there's these mint choco chewy candies and i've been eating it for days now, and it's destroying my stomach lining

Not sure but

  • noepepepe, I like nuts to an unhealthy degree but nuts are healthy i think atleast.

  • if it's a hobby, it's probably hyperfixing on yan. Being a rancid fangirl.

I don't eat sweets often but if I get my hands on sour candies I will melt my tongue with them

there is no guilt for me. if rat poison tasted like candy i would eat it and not feel guilty

Anything sweet thats deep fried. like elephant ears, horrible for me but fuckign DELICIOUS

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