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Tictak47 · 8 answers · 3y

do you like milkshakes or smoothies? if so what is your favorite kind of either of em

yeahh i like green ones like green apple & lemon & raw spinach & banana, i'll start making it again soon

i like both but as i get older i prefer smoothies. chocolate for milkshakes and anything tropical for smoothies like mango/pineapple

I prefer milkshakes! I love caramel milkshakes, mango smoothies (when they are a lil sour) and big shout outs to pumpkin spice frappuccinos as well

i love both, smoothies im really not picky w, ill throw whatever i have in one! but for milkshakes i prefer oreo ones!! or vanilla

Smoothies are amazing! I just make them with whatever fruit we have on hand, so a lot of pineapple and strawberries usually

Tbh I can't really say the difference but smoothies bc I only tasted them once. Sweet as hell and lovely for hot evenings.

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