Ambiguous Follower · 16d

How do you go about planning the comic also? Like do you write out each page individually or do you do them in a batch? And when writing a page do you do it panel by panel or do you write all the dialogue first and decide on page layout after?

The general events from a macro level are all figured out in advance. How they happen in the moment-to-moment micro level, panel by panel, is determined one by one as I go through sketching pages in a sequence. Essentially the comics are written as if I'm roleplaying with myself as all characters in "real time". This can occasionally lead to my macro-level plans changing, if micro-level details wind up going in a different direction than I originally predicted, but I'm always okay with that because I feel as though my writing methodology helps make things feel more real and in-character. I let the characters dictate the plot more than I have the plot dictate how the characters act.

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