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Anonymous Coward · 1y

How good are you at drawing furries?

Not particularly great I'd say, its something I'd like to work on. Its mainly the faces I feel, but also some atypical body types like quadrupeds give me trouble.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Could you draw chubby overwatch girls?

I'm not trying to rag on you with this comment, but I do wonder what makes people ask me to draw insanely popular stuff like this that I have shown no interest in touching.

There's a mountain of fat overwatch girl art. Would my crummy art style really be contributing much to that?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

what franchise do you prefer to draw art of?

Pokemon is the easy answer to this, but literally submit any idea, I sometimes like to do stuff outside my comfort zone via requests.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

do you do oc requests or no?

I don't do OC requests sorry. If I ever do decide to do some I will manually ask for refs on twitter.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I'm confused and concerned about how upon you stating regret for doing something, the first and third highest liked replies were saying you should have done it twice as much without expressing any sympathy.

I mean TBF I am a person who has actively expressed interest in fat and made a tweet that was basically horny bait. I'm sure nobody felt anything ill about it, and the tweet was mostly a joke. I wouldn't worry about it.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

You're screentone is so cool! Just letting ya know : )

Thanks! Hopefully I can figure out ways to do it better cause I'd like to use it for comics and stuff. It has advantages over fully rendered pics in that regard (big time saver)

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Would you take requests on sequels to some of your previous art?

I have no problem with people requesting I do follow ups to old pics or draw designs I've done before. If anything it helps me know which designs and scenarios people really liked!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Do you see us as Anonymous Cowards?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

How's your day? Hope its good!

Pretty good, I'm just chilling now and fantasizing about someone turning me into a massive mound of flab.

Normal night.

MaxDigital · 1y

Thoughts on Oinkologne? (the new pig pokemon that we got in SV?)
asking cause I figured they'd be right up your alley when I first saw them, lol

My problem with Oinkologne is I find the male variant more aesthetically pleasing than the female and my lesbian brain doesn't know how to rectify that.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Are the characters you draw portrayed as adults?
Like that Olivia drawing from paper mario? …Granted she’s just a piece of paper folded into existence, but technically she is just not that old.

Every character I draw is intended to be an adult. Some characters don't have defined ages tho, so in that case I just use my best judgment. Olivia isn't portrayed with the mind of a child and she's treated with the same level of intellect as every other adult partner Mario has had, so I don't have a problem drawing her.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

When it comes to stuff involving your sona or whatever, do you prefer prey or pred idea's for her?

I am a massive sub with basically no dom inclinations whatsoever, so whenever people do stuff with my sona I prefer them to indulge my sub side. So I much prefer to be someone's fat, tasty, juicy prey!

But I also like people just having fun with my sona, so they can explore many ideas with her if they want!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Another follow-up to the discord thing.
I fully understand your choices and I respect them! Merry Christmas Fila! I hope we can all get to know you better!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Followup to the fan discord question
Could I make you one?
I have experience making servers for artists and would love to do it!

I appreciate the sentiment, But I must decline. If I make a server, I want to be the one in control of directing it to make sure its worthwhile, safer, and enjoyable for the users. I'm not currently in a position to do that, but perhaps in the future!

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