Morsel · 23d

If you were to be a boss fight in a video game how difficult would you be and what kinda special mechanics would the fight include?

I would undoubtedly be highly difficult, if not borderline broken given the fact my character is designed more so along magical prowess instead of physical prowess. This ultimately means he's quite powerful in spellcasting and would pose a significantly unfair challenge to those with little to no magical defense, however those who only spec into magic defense aren't safe either. He is a dragon after all and has serrated claws and a bladed tail for a reason. Expect something along the lines of a dark souls boss that would require lots and lots of timing between attacks, some of which may be telegraphed just enough to give you barely enough time to get out of the area of effect and realize that they're just toying with you and going easy, because this dragon has razed entire towns before! As for his magic, in the universe Vul is from, there is no such thing as 'mana', but instead using your own stamina to cast, and when that's our it becomes akin to blood magic where it drains your very life force... Unless you have souls to sacrifice for spellcasting instead, which unfortunately for any would be player, Vul has devoured and absorbed countless billions so expect lots and lots of spells. All the spells. Yes, even fireballs and lightning.

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