Arman · 14 answers · 3y

Did you get the COVID-19 vaccine? If not, when do you think you'll get vaccinated?

My brother works in the medical field and he said yesterday to me and I quote because I have the sound file "Wenn das (Die Impfpflicht für Pflegepersonal) kommt, juckt mich nicht. Dann lieg ich halt dem Staat auf der Tasche, ist mir scheißegal ." In a free translation: If I have to get vaccinated, if it's mandated, I don't care at all. I am going to use social assistance for the rest of my life, like I give a fuck." and he continues "They think they can do anything to us, they don't care about us, about our health, our families, I don't know what they are thinking. If they going to mandate this vaccine then they can go and fuck themselves." And, I am much, much more radical when it comes to vaccines, I hate them more than you hate your government and I would give my life if I could end vaccination for good and show the world that it is maybe the greatest lie of all times.

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