Cloudiecake · 2mo

Eli Clark hcs go 🫵

omg eli clark my husband hcs? here we gooo

  • in regards to idv rush au, eli found brooke rose very injured to fly one day in the au’s main campus and ever since he decided to nurse her bk to health and help her alongside gertrude to slowly but surely fly again, they’ve been inseparable and at some point in a minor plot line became THE uncle to her baby birbs 🙏🏻
  • in regards to gertrude , in both canon and in my said au, eli had a difficult time yet persisted in asking gertrude’s dad’s approval to court his daughter, tho out of the two au’s , he succeeded in idv rush au ( until the sadge arc happened )
  • altho he doesn’t wear his wedding ring on his hand ( not sure whenever its on his left or right hand yet on my end ), he does have it as around his neck as a necklace
  • he is very much a naturally born observant type of empath and altho some survs think its due to his role as a seer, that’s not the case ( at least that’s how i see him ever since / thanks to the 1st ep of the stageplay )
  • last hc for now ! because of my hc ver. of gertrude being black & filipino , eli knows very much tagalog and in a very intermediate levels ( in both canon & idv rush au )

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