
THEY/HER ♡ ENG•FIL ♡ twitch affie✨ ceo of 🦎🐝luchimelly & 🗞️🎹 alirick jesus within the idv rarepair community to #idvrushau 💨‼️ creator

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Curious Ztarling · 2mo

What if Kitkat was a Hunter in IDV? Abilities? What would Hunter Kitkat look like?

oh gosh ... my pet birb , THE PRO / S BADGE NIGHTMARE PLAYER??? all i know and potentially see for my birb kitkat is biting being a mechanic and yes, another bird centric hunter fr fr

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

One of your recent Twitter post gave me creative ideas for Alirick! Thank you!

u////u oh my goodness rlly? i look forward to it ( and by look forward, i want to be tagged and notified ASAP as i'm so delulu for alirick & luchimelly dot com )

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

Can we riot if Joseph wins on Global for Best Performance?

it might seem crazy what i'm about to say- ANYWAYS silly meme ref aside , omg why did i not get notified of this question first and secondly, i'm thankful joseph didn't win since we got norton winning !! though that being said i do hope he wins properly and fairly in future Best Performance as i did NOT condone the bot voting and that one streamer enabling it happening during this year's nymph awards ( cause im never gonna forget what happened similarly last year )

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

Can I write fanfic for Romelle and Matthias? Is that ok?

OMG I'LL BE SO DOWN FOR THAT PLS !!!! and before u do , feel free to hit me up in twt dms for further info you need of romelle :3

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

I love Romelle and Matthias! Can we see more art? Do you write fanfics?? WE NEED MORE OF THEM!!!

MORE ROTTHIAS ( one of the few oc x canon ships i have ) SHIPPERS LEGGO AND DEFINITELY ! as i said in my previous inquiry for them, i plan an essence with them involved and a couple of modern au doodles and several au’s i do have in mind hehe

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

do you snore mimimimi or memememememe??

lexi · 2mo


Curious Ztarling · 2mo

in your opinion, what do you think is your rarest ship? hehe, totally not toonuki, no way-

omg if i were to state my rarest ship totally not toonuki … its 100% matthias x my oc romelle as the baker in her idv au; where are my enjoyers for that??? 😭

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

G-Galatina drawing? 🥺👉👈

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

Maybe a Lil jose doodle? He is so dear to me 😢💞

lexi · 2mo

please.... idv rush au emma hcs please

Cloudiecake · 2mo

Eli Clark hcs go 🫵

Curious Ztarling · 2mo

favorite luchimelly/alirick skin pairing :?

for luchimelly skins, im both biased towards their coas ( primarily coa 6 melly & coa 7 then the amongus b tier melly & coa 7 a tier luchi ) and then konghou & spring heated wine !

for alirick , its eternity with dragon hunter ; honorable mention is coa 7’s ( fred’s a and alice’s b tiers ) and phantom sail with the b tier alice in the event :3

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